A Few Jet Lag Remedies
There are a few jet lag remedies that can effectively deal with jet lag.
This problem does not affect everyone in the same way so you should try a few and discover the best remedy for you.
Jet lag affects those that travel frequently or the occasional flyer that goes on vacation.
Some of the symptoms include indigestion, disorientation, irritability and insomnia.
How many time zones you travel will affect how long the jet lag lasts.
A rule of thumb is that the number of time zones you travel is the number of days it will take you to completely recover.
Though most individuals state that their tiredness is worse when they travel east versus traveling westward.
Melatonin controls the body's internal clock and is naturally secreted by the pineal gland in the brain.
Melatonin production is linked to light, so at nighttime melatonin production increases.
Flying disrupts the body's melatonin cycle.
Taking melatonin supplements can adjust your body to the new cycle quickly.
It is suggested that individuals take 0.
5mg of melatonin, one hour before bedtime for the first 3 nights once you have reached your destination.
Prior to traveling you can adjust your bedtime and alarm to the traveling place.
For example if you are going from New York to San Francisco, a few days before flying you go to bed an hour later and wake up an hour later, the next day you go to bed another hour later and wake up an hour later, and on the next day you push everything back another hour and stay at this bedtime and alarm for another day or two.
This is the time you will be sleeping and waking on the west coast.
You can use homeopathy so that natural remedies are presented at nontoxic levels.
No Jet Lag is a popular product that contains, Leopard's ban, daisy, Wild chamomile, Ipecac, and club moss.
These natural substances help your body adjust and deal with jet lag symptoms without causing harm.
This problem does not affect everyone in the same way so you should try a few and discover the best remedy for you.
Jet lag affects those that travel frequently or the occasional flyer that goes on vacation.
Some of the symptoms include indigestion, disorientation, irritability and insomnia.
How many time zones you travel will affect how long the jet lag lasts.
A rule of thumb is that the number of time zones you travel is the number of days it will take you to completely recover.
Though most individuals state that their tiredness is worse when they travel east versus traveling westward.
Melatonin controls the body's internal clock and is naturally secreted by the pineal gland in the brain.
Melatonin production is linked to light, so at nighttime melatonin production increases.
Flying disrupts the body's melatonin cycle.
Taking melatonin supplements can adjust your body to the new cycle quickly.
It is suggested that individuals take 0.
5mg of melatonin, one hour before bedtime for the first 3 nights once you have reached your destination.
Prior to traveling you can adjust your bedtime and alarm to the traveling place.
For example if you are going from New York to San Francisco, a few days before flying you go to bed an hour later and wake up an hour later, the next day you go to bed another hour later and wake up an hour later, and on the next day you push everything back another hour and stay at this bedtime and alarm for another day or two.
This is the time you will be sleeping and waking on the west coast.
You can use homeopathy so that natural remedies are presented at nontoxic levels.
No Jet Lag is a popular product that contains, Leopard's ban, daisy, Wild chamomile, Ipecac, and club moss.
These natural substances help your body adjust and deal with jet lag symptoms without causing harm.