Growing Tips for a Banksiae Rose
- Rosa banksiae, or as it is commonly called, the Lady Banks rose or Tombstone rose, is native to China and was introduced to England in the late 1700s. Since then, it has spread to other countries including the U.S. It is not uncommon to see the pale yellow and sometimes white blooms in a neighbor's yard in the U.S. If you want to grow a Lady Banks rose in your garden, explore a few ways to ensure beautiful blooms each spring.
- Plant your rose in an area of your garden or yard exposed to full sun. They will grow in shaded areas, but often accumulate mildew in the form of powder over the entire plant, which is a sign that the plant is unhealthy. Build the soil up around the base of the plant to increase drainage and place organic mulch over the top layer of soil to help excess water drain. This will ensure that the plant is not sitting in stagnant moisture, which often leads to mildew.
- The Lady Banks rose is a climbing plant and grows from 10 to 20 feet tall. Place a trellis or gazebo close to your plant. The roses will slowly climb over any structure nearby. This allows the rose to independently seek sunlight as it would in the wild. The result can be beautiful in your yard or garden, especially during the early spring when the plant will be in full bloom.
- Add fertilizer to the ground around the base of the plant in early spring once the plant has established itself in the soil. Do this only after the last frost, as doing it any earlier can be a waste of resources and time. Use a complete fertilizer from your local garden supply store. Continue fertilizing the plant according to the package instructions until the fall begins. Water your rose when the soil is dry. Allow it to dry completely before watering again. This plant is drought tolerant and does not fare well with excess moisture.
- Pruning your banksiae rose is important to ensure new blooms the following year. Prune the rose immediately after it has stopped flowering. To do this, clip the stem directly above where a leaf connects to the stem. If your banksiae rose is growing out of control, clip the stems above another leaf that is further back on the vine.
Encourage Climbing
Fertilization And Watering