Things You Need to Know About Hemorrhoids
Even though hemorrhoids appear equally in men and women, symptoms may differ from person to person.
A few of the signs that you are suffering from this condition are bleeding, pain, discomfort, irritation and itching in the anal region.
Aside from this you may also experience bulging of the anal veins outside the rectum or you may also find lumps outside the anus as well as the area surrounding it.
There are different types of hemorrhoids and these different types come with different stages.
These types are classified as external and internal and the different stages are usually categorized depending on the severity of the condition as 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th being the worst.
There are a lot of things that can cause this problem.
The most common factor is too much straining in the anal region.
This straining will cause the veins in the anal region to swell thus resulting to this condition.
Other factors include obesity, pregnancy, age, hereditary, lifestyle and diet.
Of course with every condition we have, we want to cure as fast as possible.
Nowadays, there are countless treatments available to cure or treat this problem.
Some of these treatments are medicines like over the counter medications in the form of ointments, creams and suppositories; home treatments such as herbal, homeopathic and allopathic; medical procedures like rubber band litigation and infrared coagulation; and the last option is surgery.
In this day and age, the most popular treatment is the home treatment.
It is important to have proper diet with a lot of fiber and liquid intake to avoid constipation.
Constipation is one of the lead factors that can cause hemorrhoids.
Aside from this, it is important to clean your anus properly to avoid irritation and infections.
A few of the signs that you are suffering from this condition are bleeding, pain, discomfort, irritation and itching in the anal region.
Aside from this you may also experience bulging of the anal veins outside the rectum or you may also find lumps outside the anus as well as the area surrounding it.
There are different types of hemorrhoids and these different types come with different stages.
These types are classified as external and internal and the different stages are usually categorized depending on the severity of the condition as 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th being the worst.
There are a lot of things that can cause this problem.
The most common factor is too much straining in the anal region.
This straining will cause the veins in the anal region to swell thus resulting to this condition.
Other factors include obesity, pregnancy, age, hereditary, lifestyle and diet.
Of course with every condition we have, we want to cure as fast as possible.
Nowadays, there are countless treatments available to cure or treat this problem.
Some of these treatments are medicines like over the counter medications in the form of ointments, creams and suppositories; home treatments such as herbal, homeopathic and allopathic; medical procedures like rubber band litigation and infrared coagulation; and the last option is surgery.
In this day and age, the most popular treatment is the home treatment.
It is important to have proper diet with a lot of fiber and liquid intake to avoid constipation.
Constipation is one of the lead factors that can cause hemorrhoids.
Aside from this, it is important to clean your anus properly to avoid irritation and infections.