Holiday Home Insurance
Holiday Home Insurance is a type of insurance where you can either insure a property that you rent out to people on short term deals or that you use as a second home, this is obviously a different type of policy to Landlord Insurance as the holiday home would probably not be let out all the time and most probably for a large portion of time the property will be vacant.
There is however similarities between the two policies as Holiday Home Insurance generally will cover things such as: • Fire, lightning, explosion or earthquake • Aircraft and other flying devices • Storm, flood, weight of snow • Escape of oil from fixed domestic oil-fired heating installations • Escape of water from fixed water tanks, apparatus or pipes • Accidental damage to oil pipes, underground supply pipes, sewers, drains and cables • Theft or attempted theft • Collision by any vehicle or animal • Riots, strikes, violent disorder, civil commotion and malicious damage • Subsidence or heave of the site or landslip • Falling trees, lamp-posts or telegraph poles Due to the fact that this policy is mainly designed for times where the property is rented out you will only get full cover (as above) when the property is considered occupied which by the insurers definitions is when the property have been occupied within the last thirty days.
If the property has been unoccupied for 30 days then cover is generally restricted and terms will be added, here is the general term that will be put on to unoccupied holiday home insurance: While the home is not normally lived in or occupied by a holiday tenant The buildings and contents section of this insurance does not cover; a) Loss or damage by escape of water from and frost damage to fixed water tanks, apparatus or pipes UNLESS the water is turned off at the mains and all tanks and pipes are drained, OR the central heating system is in continuous operation to maintain a minimum temperature of 60° Fahrenheit/15° Celsius between the 1st of October and the 1st of April inclusive b) The standard excess of £50 is replaced to the first £250 of every claim other than fire and subsidence, heave and landslip which are as per the certificate wording c) Escape of Water and Escape of Oil Excess is increased to £1,000 d) Jewellery, furs, gold, silver, gold and silver plated articles e) You must arrange for both internal & external inspections of the property at least every 30 days and a record log of these visits must be maintained.
However this is still more cover than you would usually be able to get on an unoccupied property and you would only have to let the insurers know when a tenant was next renting the property and you would get the full cover back again.
You don't have to only insure the property as a Holiday Home that is going to be rented out you can insure it as it might be rented out or you might use it yourself as a second home.
So if you have a second property that you either rent out as a holiday home or even a property that you use as your second home then by answering just a few questions you will be able to get a quotation to protect the property from any circumstances that you may use the property for.
There is however similarities between the two policies as Holiday Home Insurance generally will cover things such as: • Fire, lightning, explosion or earthquake • Aircraft and other flying devices • Storm, flood, weight of snow • Escape of oil from fixed domestic oil-fired heating installations • Escape of water from fixed water tanks, apparatus or pipes • Accidental damage to oil pipes, underground supply pipes, sewers, drains and cables • Theft or attempted theft • Collision by any vehicle or animal • Riots, strikes, violent disorder, civil commotion and malicious damage • Subsidence or heave of the site or landslip • Falling trees, lamp-posts or telegraph poles Due to the fact that this policy is mainly designed for times where the property is rented out you will only get full cover (as above) when the property is considered occupied which by the insurers definitions is when the property have been occupied within the last thirty days.
If the property has been unoccupied for 30 days then cover is generally restricted and terms will be added, here is the general term that will be put on to unoccupied holiday home insurance: While the home is not normally lived in or occupied by a holiday tenant The buildings and contents section of this insurance does not cover; a) Loss or damage by escape of water from and frost damage to fixed water tanks, apparatus or pipes UNLESS the water is turned off at the mains and all tanks and pipes are drained, OR the central heating system is in continuous operation to maintain a minimum temperature of 60° Fahrenheit/15° Celsius between the 1st of October and the 1st of April inclusive b) The standard excess of £50 is replaced to the first £250 of every claim other than fire and subsidence, heave and landslip which are as per the certificate wording c) Escape of Water and Escape of Oil Excess is increased to £1,000 d) Jewellery, furs, gold, silver, gold and silver plated articles e) You must arrange for both internal & external inspections of the property at least every 30 days and a record log of these visits must be maintained.
However this is still more cover than you would usually be able to get on an unoccupied property and you would only have to let the insurers know when a tenant was next renting the property and you would get the full cover back again.
You don't have to only insure the property as a Holiday Home that is going to be rented out you can insure it as it might be rented out or you might use it yourself as a second home.
So if you have a second property that you either rent out as a holiday home or even a property that you use as your second home then by answering just a few questions you will be able to get a quotation to protect the property from any circumstances that you may use the property for.