OCD Forum - Phobias in General
We all have fears.
It's when those fears give us panic attacks that it becomes a phobia.
Being too scared of something when it's not really justified.
Anything can be the subject of a phobia.
You can have a phobia of bicycles, of cats, spiders, snakes, rats, girls, boys, men, women, little people, police, etc.
Whatever your phobia is it doesn't matter.
We get over all phobias the same way.
Think about whatever your phobia is.
Find out more information about your phobia using the internet and by asking professionals.
You might be happy to learn that spiders are scared of people, and so are mice and snakes! Of course it doesn't mean we have to love these things, but you should realize by now that these creatures are scared of you.
This should lesson your fear right there.
The next thing to think about is the fact that if you expose yourself to your fear enough, it just won't be as scary.
Think about when you see a scary movie the first time, you're really scared, after that you know what to expect so you're not that scared if even scared at all.
It's the same with phobias, the more you expose yourself to it, the less scary it is.
Take action: The next time you start to have a phobia, you've got to face it.
If it's a phobia about something that you fear is going to happen that you have no control over, then just let it go.
Learning to let go is one of the most powerful things you can ever learn in your quest to become OCD free.
That bears repeating: letting go of control is the cure to OCD.
Stop trying to control the situation.
Just let go!
It's when those fears give us panic attacks that it becomes a phobia.
Being too scared of something when it's not really justified.
Anything can be the subject of a phobia.
You can have a phobia of bicycles, of cats, spiders, snakes, rats, girls, boys, men, women, little people, police, etc.
Whatever your phobia is it doesn't matter.
We get over all phobias the same way.
Think about whatever your phobia is.
Find out more information about your phobia using the internet and by asking professionals.
You might be happy to learn that spiders are scared of people, and so are mice and snakes! Of course it doesn't mean we have to love these things, but you should realize by now that these creatures are scared of you.
This should lesson your fear right there.
The next thing to think about is the fact that if you expose yourself to your fear enough, it just won't be as scary.
Think about when you see a scary movie the first time, you're really scared, after that you know what to expect so you're not that scared if even scared at all.
It's the same with phobias, the more you expose yourself to it, the less scary it is.
Take action: The next time you start to have a phobia, you've got to face it.
If it's a phobia about something that you fear is going to happen that you have no control over, then just let it go.
Learning to let go is one of the most powerful things you can ever learn in your quest to become OCD free.
That bears repeating: letting go of control is the cure to OCD.
Stop trying to control the situation.
Just let go!