Spiritual Gifts for Men
- Choose a spiritual gift for a man you are shopping for.Gary Yeowell/Photodisc/Getty Images
Choosing a gift for a man can be a daunting thought, especially if you are trying to find a spiritual gift. Choose something that reinforces his religion or his spiritual beliefs, or helps him understand his belief system even better. No matter what kind of spiritual beliefs he has, there are plenty of gifts for the spiritual man in your life. - Books are a good idea for a spiritual man. Books will allow him to learn more about whatever his particular faith is and to reinforce what he already believes. Choose a daily devotional book or a book that focuses on one facet of his spiritual beliefs. You could also go with a nonfiction biography about someone who turned to spirituality to deal with issues in his or her life. Another idea is a biography of a priest, pastor or other religious leader who is well known in his particular religion or belief system.
- Choose a piece of art for a spiritual man. If there are famous works of art within his religion, choose a print of one of those that he could hang in his home or office. For example, someone who belongs to a Christian faith might enjoy a picture of the last supper, or of Jesus Christ on the cross. Jewish people might enjoy a colorful or abstract picture depicting the star of David. Some spiritual men might prefer a piece of art that is not quite so literal. For example, if he feels spiritual at sunrise, choose a piece of art that depicts the sun rising over the water.
- Whatever their religion, many spiritual people enjoy spending time each day in meditation. This helps them to feel closer to God and to think about how they can live a life that is more in line with their spiritual beliefs. If the man you are shopping for enjoys meditation, choose some tools that will help him be more successful in the endeavor. For example, many people sit on the floor while meditating, so you might choose a mat so that he is more comfortable. A yoga mat will work well for this. You could also choose some scented candles or soothing music he could play during meditation.
- Send him on a spiritual trip. Where he would want to go would depend on his religion or spiritual beliefs. For some people a trip to the Holy Land in the Middle East would be a life's dream. He could visit the areas where the founders of his religion lived. Someone else might want to stay at a monastery or another religious retreat for a length of time.
Meditation Tools
Spiritual Trip