How to Speak Without Emotion
- 1). Find out what makes you react emotionally. Knowing your triggers can help you to prepare for them. Once they have been identified, you can practice deflecting the emotions the triggers bring.
- 2). Meditate. Meditation is a form of focused mental exercise that allows you to reach a higher sense of awareness. Meditation helps you center your mind, remove all thoughts and emotions, and keep a calm composure. Try to meditate every night for at least a week before you need to speak without any emotion and just before.
- 3). Eat a healthy and balanced diet. According to Dr. Fernando Gómez-Pinilla from the University of California at Los Angeles School of Medicine, eating well can help you focus more and not rely on instinct and emotion by keeping you alert and able to rationalize better.
- 4). Practice what you want to say. If you have something specific you need to speak emotionless on, practicing can help to keep emotions hidden.
- 5). Distance yourself from the situation. If you act as if you are not a part of what is happening, it can help you to remove your own personal feelings about any given situation.
- 6). Take a deep breath. If you find that your emotions may start to come to the surface while you are speaking, take a pause and take a few deep breaths to help you keep calm and not let the emotion get the better of you.