Folk Remedies for Asthmatic Bronchitis
- One of the first approaches to asthmatic bronchitis, in mainstream medicine and folk medicine alike, is to deal with environmental triggers. Reducing or eliminating irritants, allergens and other elements of the environment that might be setting off asthmatic bronchitis attacks may alleviate the condition.
Environmental conditions include smoking and smoke exposure, allergens such as pollen, pet dander and foods, air pollution, dust, and abrasive particles from silica, asbestos and diatomaceous earth. They also include extreme cold, heat and humidity. In addition, environmental triggers can include strong scents. Some people consider many of the scents considered effective in treating asthmatic bronchitis to be potential candidates for setting off an attack.
Your primary goal should be to adapt the environment to eliminate or manage the trigger elements. This can include giving up substances (such as tobacco), removing or reducing substances through such things as air filters, filtered vacuums and constant cleaning, or escaping triggers by moving to a different environment entirely, as in moving from a moist, hot environment to a cool, dry one. - Folk therapies for asthmatic bronchitis include some medicines taken internally. Many are common in daily life, though not always seen as "medicine." Coffee, cola and tea are all recommended, as is caffeine. Hot beverages, teas and tisanes, or herbal infusions, are commonly recommended, though many of the brews and tisanes use unexpected ingredients. Peppermint and spearmint teas, eucalyptus tea, rosemary, aniseed and ginger are common recommendations, as are angelica and turmeric. Garlic in both steeped and pill form has supporters. Licorice root provides another choice. Almost any tea, brew or tisane can be blended with honey, a regularly recommended treatment for asthma and bronchitis. Hot juices like orange and cranberry juice (or powdered orange drinks with vitamin C supplements) are also recommended, in part for the vapor, in part for the tart scent and in part for the vitamin C many contain.
- Other folk remedies are used externally, or semi-externally. Aromatherapy can make use of any of the previously listed teas and brews as scent sources and vapor generators. Many of the plants and herbs are also used in oils and ointments: peppermint, spearmint, eucalyptus, cinnamon and others are rubbed onto the skin of the chest or placed in vaporizer cups to impregnate the steam. Many recommend common ointments like Tiger Balm and Vicks VapoRub as great home remedies.
- Another set of methods for dealing with asthmatic bronchitis includes the use of acupuncture, acupressure and breathing techniques. A professional acupuncturist or acupressure therapist can provide service. A physical therapist can provide teaching in breathing skills, as can many practitioners of physical disciplines such as tai chi. However, these methods require a high level of training and expertise. Don't attempt them on your own without oversight.
Medicine For Your Evironment
Medicine For Your Inside
Medicine For Your Outside
External Support