Is Your Self-Esteem Crippled by Working a Job You Hate?
Does your crappy job ensure your self-esteem stays at rock bottom? You hate your job, good news, so do up to 70% of the population of the UK.
People are miserable at work.
The long hours for not enough money leaves you feel unappreciated, making it impossible for you to enjoy what you do for a living.
I know how you feel.
It is that Sunday night feeling, just before Lost starts when it dawns on you that it is back to work tomorrow for another slog doing something you couldn't care less about for another 8 hours straight.
You know your colleagues will be grumpy, barely able to utter a coherent sentence and your boss will snap at you for saying anything..
well yes, just anything! The missing answer here though is to the question of, if 70% of the population in this country are miserable, why do we all stay in these jobs we hate? Could if be fear that the grass may not be greener elsewhere.
You like what is familiar.
Even though you hate it, at least its not unexpected for you.
You can still be in control of that environment.
What about using the current hot excuse of, "with the way the economy is, moving jobs is not a good idea at the moment".
Well that is not true, there are plenty of jobs being advertised.
Don't listen to other people tell you otherwise, pick the job you want then go find it.
Make it happen.
Do not feel overwhelmed by the task ahead.
You cannot surrender control to other people with their crazy opinions.
That is just what this is.
The opinion of someone else.
Someone who really should not be impacting your career.
The other side is about being scared of change.
You have to embrace breaking away from what is familiar and go for it.
You cannot live by the "what if" fear of a new job being worse than where you are now.
People are miserable at work.
The long hours for not enough money leaves you feel unappreciated, making it impossible for you to enjoy what you do for a living.
I know how you feel.
It is that Sunday night feeling, just before Lost starts when it dawns on you that it is back to work tomorrow for another slog doing something you couldn't care less about for another 8 hours straight.
You know your colleagues will be grumpy, barely able to utter a coherent sentence and your boss will snap at you for saying anything..
well yes, just anything! The missing answer here though is to the question of, if 70% of the population in this country are miserable, why do we all stay in these jobs we hate? Could if be fear that the grass may not be greener elsewhere.
You like what is familiar.
Even though you hate it, at least its not unexpected for you.
You can still be in control of that environment.
What about using the current hot excuse of, "with the way the economy is, moving jobs is not a good idea at the moment".
Well that is not true, there are plenty of jobs being advertised.
Don't listen to other people tell you otherwise, pick the job you want then go find it.
Make it happen.
Do not feel overwhelmed by the task ahead.
You cannot surrender control to other people with their crazy opinions.
That is just what this is.
The opinion of someone else.
Someone who really should not be impacting your career.
The other side is about being scared of change.
You have to embrace breaking away from what is familiar and go for it.
You cannot live by the "what if" fear of a new job being worse than where you are now.