Is Anything Standing Between Your Laundry and the Utter Destruction of Your Home Insurance Quotes?
Did you know your home insurance quotes have a nemesis? No, really.
It's out there.
Lurking, crouching while it waits for the perfect opportunity to leap out of the darkness and launch its diabolical schemes.
And it's everywhere.
Your home insurance knows it as the thing standing between it and perfect comfort.
You probably know it better that way too.
But you just call it laundry.
My Laundry is Trying to Bring About the End of the World as We Know It? I'm not discounting the possibility.
There's an excellent chance that somewhere, there's a pair of mismatched socks sitting back and rubbing their hands in glee as they watch their minions go out and take down most of the known world.
I can see it.
But right now we're not talking about world domination.
We're just talking about what those piles of laundry are trying to do to your home insurance quotes, and what you're going to do to stop it.
Here's what you don't know about your laundry.
First and foremost, wet laundry lying around on your bathroom floor is just as hazardous for the long-term structural integrity of said floor as leaving giant puddles of water lying there.
In time, given sufficient quantity (and believe me, if you're in the habit of kicking your pants off on the way into the shower and leaving them lie there to step on on the way back out, you've got quantity and time) those wet clothes could be the driving force behind your bathtub relocating from the bathtub to the living room floor.
And mice really, really love it when you leave clothes lying around on the floor.
But since your home insurance isn't going to pay for damages caused by them directly, you're looking at a more indirect relationship between these unexpected visitors and your home insurance quotes.
Next, let's talk about your washer and dryer.
Did you know that frozen pipes can cause massive quantities of flooding when they finally give in and just explode? Or that fabric softener, that most wonderful of laundry accessories, can create a film on your lint trap that's all but invisible to the human eye, causing your dryer to overheat, take forever to dry laundry when it doesn't and, eventually, go kaboom if given the right time and circumstance? So Your Washer, Your Dryer and Your Laundry are All Trying to Take Down Your Home Insurance Quotes.
What Do You Do? Is there anything you can do to stop these insidious laundry gremlins in their tracks, and stop them from destroying your home insurance quotes? (We'll save taking over the world for later.
) Keep it corralled well away from both water and the floor.
Keep your washer and dryer in good repair.
Clean up messes as soon as they start, and take a trip to the Laundromat when it seems like things aren't working quite like they should.
That's the only possible way to stop your home from falling prey to its hideous surprise.
It's out there.
Lurking, crouching while it waits for the perfect opportunity to leap out of the darkness and launch its diabolical schemes.
And it's everywhere.
Your home insurance knows it as the thing standing between it and perfect comfort.
You probably know it better that way too.
But you just call it laundry.
My Laundry is Trying to Bring About the End of the World as We Know It? I'm not discounting the possibility.
There's an excellent chance that somewhere, there's a pair of mismatched socks sitting back and rubbing their hands in glee as they watch their minions go out and take down most of the known world.
I can see it.
But right now we're not talking about world domination.
We're just talking about what those piles of laundry are trying to do to your home insurance quotes, and what you're going to do to stop it.
Here's what you don't know about your laundry.
First and foremost, wet laundry lying around on your bathroom floor is just as hazardous for the long-term structural integrity of said floor as leaving giant puddles of water lying there.
In time, given sufficient quantity (and believe me, if you're in the habit of kicking your pants off on the way into the shower and leaving them lie there to step on on the way back out, you've got quantity and time) those wet clothes could be the driving force behind your bathtub relocating from the bathtub to the living room floor.
And mice really, really love it when you leave clothes lying around on the floor.
But since your home insurance isn't going to pay for damages caused by them directly, you're looking at a more indirect relationship between these unexpected visitors and your home insurance quotes.
Next, let's talk about your washer and dryer.
Did you know that frozen pipes can cause massive quantities of flooding when they finally give in and just explode? Or that fabric softener, that most wonderful of laundry accessories, can create a film on your lint trap that's all but invisible to the human eye, causing your dryer to overheat, take forever to dry laundry when it doesn't and, eventually, go kaboom if given the right time and circumstance? So Your Washer, Your Dryer and Your Laundry are All Trying to Take Down Your Home Insurance Quotes.
What Do You Do? Is there anything you can do to stop these insidious laundry gremlins in their tracks, and stop them from destroying your home insurance quotes? (We'll save taking over the world for later.
) Keep it corralled well away from both water and the floor.
Keep your washer and dryer in good repair.
Clean up messes as soon as they start, and take a trip to the Laundromat when it seems like things aren't working quite like they should.
That's the only possible way to stop your home from falling prey to its hideous surprise.