How to Hunt Deer With a 25-06 Rifle
- 1). Sight your 25-06 on the practice range. If you use your rifle for hunting smaller game, and also use smaller cartridges, you will need to adjust your sights (whether they're open sights or a scope) to compensate for the heavier 115-120 grain cartridge. Fire three shots at your target from approximately 100 yards. Examine the target and where your shots landed. Go back and fire another three shots.
- 2). Adjust the sights on your 25-06 until you are able to consistently shoot a group of three shots within the middle ring of your practice target. If you're using a scope, read the directions for your scope and pay close attention to the markings on the adjustment dials. Each scope's settings vary from brand to brand.
- 3). Scout the location where you plan to hunt deer. Look for tracks and other signs of deer activity. If you're using a stand, set up your stand and make sure you have a clear line of sight in all directions. Understanding the terrain and the habits of the deer will increase your chances of success.
- 4). Wait for a clear shot. Clearly identify your target and make sure no other hunters are in the vicinity. Also ensure there are no obstacles between you and the deer that may alter the flight of the bullet.
- 5). Use your scope or sights to follow a direct line up the back of the deer's front leg, aiming at the area approximately 1/3 to 1/2 of the way up the deer's chest cavity.
- 6). Inhale and gradually exhale, slowly pulling the trigger of your 25-06 as you breathe out. If you've used at least 115-grain cartridge, practiced and aimed correctly, the deer should fall very soon after your shot. This single shot should be all that's required from your 25-06.