How to Lose Belly Fat: 15 Tips, Tricks and Secrets That Bring Success
We all know to do those crunches in order to lose belly fat. But that really isn't enough. Just because you build abs doesn't mean they will show if you haven't adjusted your diet as well. Here are 15 tips and tricks to use to make your 6 pack abs the center of attention.
There are many different theories on how to lose belly fat. One thing for sure, they all combine diet and exercise. There's just no getting around it. However, although it's not rocket science, if you want to see real results, you do have to do things the right way for your body and lifestyle. Here are 15 tips and tricks to use to tweak whatever program you're on so you lose belly fat in record time and your 6 pack abs grab the center of attention.
1. Diet smart by loading up on food that have fewer absorbable calories than the standard measures show. George Fahey, Ph.D a professor of animal sciences at the University of Illinois has established that compounds called oligosaccharides and also resistant starches aren't digested completely in pigs. He says our digestive systems are similar.
If pigs can't digest it, we can't either. So foods containing these substances have fewer calories than we think. In effect that means free food. By eating more of these foods instead of cheesecake and fried chicken you'll be able to take advantage of the calorie savings. Artichokes, onions shallots bananas and beans have fewer absorbable calories. If you're not used to eating these foods, introduce them slowly into your diet. As you know with the musical fruit, they can cause gas and stomach discomfort.
2. You also need to make sure you get adequate protein, especially for breakfast. Ongoing studies show that a huge breakfast, up to 1/2 of the day's calories is the cornerstone of long-term weight loss.
3. Cut MSG from your diet. In the book written by John Erb and T. Michelle Erb, an expose of the food additive industry called "The Slow Poisoning of America" it is said that MSG is added to food for the addictive effect it has on the human body. A study of the elderly showed that people eat more of the foods that it is added to. That's bad news when you're losing fat belly.
Quoting from the website [] "John Erb, author of the book The Slow Poisoning of America believes that MSG is the food industry's equivalent to Nicotine. "Studies have shown that people who eat food laced with MSG eat more of it, and faster than food that does not have this additive. If it makes the elderly eat more, what is it doing to our nation's children?"
4. Are you taking any supplements to support the liver, kidneys, lymph and blood so they can help you flush the toxins out of your body? Remember, the more toxic your body becomes, the harder it will be to lose belly fat and keep it off.
5. Try some Chocolate. Not the candy bar variety, this is chocolate supplement designed to curb your appetite, boost mood and feelings of well-being, and promote fat burning. Research shows there are chemicals in chocolate that can help curb your appetitie and give you more energy.
6. Reduce your intake of carbohydrates to one serving on the days you don't work out.
7. Think back to your last meal before you eat again. British scientists discovered that people who reviewed what they ate at their last meal before snacking ate 30% fewer calories than those who didn't stop to think. They theorized that remembering what had already been eaten makes you less likely to overindulge.
8. Don't give up your sweets, substitute. In a study at Cornell University it was found that people who ate the most candy also ate the most fruit. Could that be because they are both sweet. So the next time you have a taste for candy, grab fruit instead. For tangy candy like Starbursts, eat citrus fruit, pineapple or mango. For tart candy such as Sweethearts eat berries like raspberries or blueberries. For soft candy like marshmallows eat a banana or a melon like cantaloupe. For cotton candy eat something like figs, which contain a lot of sugar. Eat all sweets, even fruit sparingly.
9. You have to exercise. There's no substitute if you want rock hard abs. The best time to exercise your abs is after 20 minutes of cardio. Your body is warmed up and you've burned a lot of calories already. Attacking your abs at this point will produce the best results for the time spent.
10. Turn off the television when you eat. Research has found that people who eat undistracted by television, reading material, or even conversation eat on average, 288 less calories.
11. Be consistent with your exercise no matter what type it is. Research shows that men who spent the most time moving, regardless of the type of activity had the leanest midsections. The magic number is 3 or 4 days a week for a weekly total of 4 hours.
12. French researches revealed that men who drank small amounts of a high protein shake containing 30grams of protein every 20 minutes for 7 hours boosted muscle growth more than those who downed the entire drink in one sitting. This gives our muscles a stead flow of raw materials for growth and drinking whey protein has been shown to improve immune function as well.
13. Big exercises boost your metabolism for 39 hours afterward. Scientists in the Netherlands calculated that men who lifted weights twice a week for 18 weeks burned an average of 9% more calories per day beyond their expenditure during exercise. That's enough to lose 25 pounds in a year.
14. Any exercise can be turned into a six pack abs exercise. All you have to do is to tweak the exercise to throw yourself off balance. This trick forces you to engage your core muscles to contract to the max in order to keep you from falling over.
15. To get those rock hard abs you have to feel the burn. It's more than just a number of reps. Do more than just keep count. Keep working each rep until you feel your body has had enough. Go all out. When you've had enough, stop, no matter what the count.
There are many different theories on how to lose belly fat. One thing for sure, they all combine diet and exercise. There's just no getting around it. However, although it's not rocket science, if you want to see real results, you do have to do things the right way for your body and lifestyle. Here are 15 tips and tricks to use to tweak whatever program you're on so you lose belly fat in record time and your 6 pack abs grab the center of attention.
1. Diet smart by loading up on food that have fewer absorbable calories than the standard measures show. George Fahey, Ph.D a professor of animal sciences at the University of Illinois has established that compounds called oligosaccharides and also resistant starches aren't digested completely in pigs. He says our digestive systems are similar.
If pigs can't digest it, we can't either. So foods containing these substances have fewer calories than we think. In effect that means free food. By eating more of these foods instead of cheesecake and fried chicken you'll be able to take advantage of the calorie savings. Artichokes, onions shallots bananas and beans have fewer absorbable calories. If you're not used to eating these foods, introduce them slowly into your diet. As you know with the musical fruit, they can cause gas and stomach discomfort.
2. You also need to make sure you get adequate protein, especially for breakfast. Ongoing studies show that a huge breakfast, up to 1/2 of the day's calories is the cornerstone of long-term weight loss.
3. Cut MSG from your diet. In the book written by John Erb and T. Michelle Erb, an expose of the food additive industry called "The Slow Poisoning of America" it is said that MSG is added to food for the addictive effect it has on the human body. A study of the elderly showed that people eat more of the foods that it is added to. That's bad news when you're losing fat belly.
Quoting from the website [] "John Erb, author of the book The Slow Poisoning of America believes that MSG is the food industry's equivalent to Nicotine. "Studies have shown that people who eat food laced with MSG eat more of it, and faster than food that does not have this additive. If it makes the elderly eat more, what is it doing to our nation's children?"
4. Are you taking any supplements to support the liver, kidneys, lymph and blood so they can help you flush the toxins out of your body? Remember, the more toxic your body becomes, the harder it will be to lose belly fat and keep it off.
5. Try some Chocolate. Not the candy bar variety, this is chocolate supplement designed to curb your appetite, boost mood and feelings of well-being, and promote fat burning. Research shows there are chemicals in chocolate that can help curb your appetitie and give you more energy.
6. Reduce your intake of carbohydrates to one serving on the days you don't work out.
7. Think back to your last meal before you eat again. British scientists discovered that people who reviewed what they ate at their last meal before snacking ate 30% fewer calories than those who didn't stop to think. They theorized that remembering what had already been eaten makes you less likely to overindulge.
8. Don't give up your sweets, substitute. In a study at Cornell University it was found that people who ate the most candy also ate the most fruit. Could that be because they are both sweet. So the next time you have a taste for candy, grab fruit instead. For tangy candy like Starbursts, eat citrus fruit, pineapple or mango. For tart candy such as Sweethearts eat berries like raspberries or blueberries. For soft candy like marshmallows eat a banana or a melon like cantaloupe. For cotton candy eat something like figs, which contain a lot of sugar. Eat all sweets, even fruit sparingly.
9. You have to exercise. There's no substitute if you want rock hard abs. The best time to exercise your abs is after 20 minutes of cardio. Your body is warmed up and you've burned a lot of calories already. Attacking your abs at this point will produce the best results for the time spent.
10. Turn off the television when you eat. Research has found that people who eat undistracted by television, reading material, or even conversation eat on average, 288 less calories.
11. Be consistent with your exercise no matter what type it is. Research shows that men who spent the most time moving, regardless of the type of activity had the leanest midsections. The magic number is 3 or 4 days a week for a weekly total of 4 hours.
12. French researches revealed that men who drank small amounts of a high protein shake containing 30grams of protein every 20 minutes for 7 hours boosted muscle growth more than those who downed the entire drink in one sitting. This gives our muscles a stead flow of raw materials for growth and drinking whey protein has been shown to improve immune function as well.
13. Big exercises boost your metabolism for 39 hours afterward. Scientists in the Netherlands calculated that men who lifted weights twice a week for 18 weeks burned an average of 9% more calories per day beyond their expenditure during exercise. That's enough to lose 25 pounds in a year.
14. Any exercise can be turned into a six pack abs exercise. All you have to do is to tweak the exercise to throw yourself off balance. This trick forces you to engage your core muscles to contract to the max in order to keep you from falling over.
15. To get those rock hard abs you have to feel the burn. It's more than just a number of reps. Do more than just keep count. Keep working each rep until you feel your body has had enough. Go all out. When you've had enough, stop, no matter what the count.