Resolving Bad Attitude Situations
"She has a negative attitude.
" Uh oh...
the genie is out of the bottle.
We know "attitude" when we see it...
but what is it? What are the causal factors? And remediation? At the time of hire, employee selection notes indicated the potential employee to be positive, a team player, an individual who inspired others.
Now, however, you are observing a change in demeanor: a deterioration in the relationship with a coworker.
It is a "given" that individuals are responsible for their actions and decisions.
Obviously "attitude" is included in this group.
A common approach is to confront the employee and tell them they need to improve their attitude..
to get along with coworkers..
to brighten up and smell the roses.
Telling someone to change is like trying to change the spots on a leopard..
it is not a practical solution.
Helping the employee to be comfortable in their skin: to experience success: and to accept praise/criticism at face value are several suggestions.
Beyond that, "attitude" conflict can involve more than one person's set of grievances or perceived personal slights.
Remediation goes deeper and is more subtle than finding fault.
There are circumstances where turf battles, genuine differences of opinion, conflicting values all contribute to the scarring of employee attitude.
What to do? Confrontation can be a positive action.
Facing the difficulties head on: without prejudgment or rancor: with the desire to solve the issues at hand is the recommended starting point.
• Help the parties involved identify what they have in common ( these could be work goals, values, skill sets, experiences): they may have more in common than they realize - a platform upon which to develop a discussion).
o Brainstorming is a useful technique o Prioritize each person's listing • Identify areas of disagreement - How do these relate to their values and goals • Assist in developing a corrective plan of action - Note, this is their plan: refrain from dictating -as it then becomes yours and you are responsible for the results.
Avoidance, or a kumbya -sitting around the campfire will not address the core issues.
" Uh oh...
the genie is out of the bottle.
We know "attitude" when we see it...
but what is it? What are the causal factors? And remediation? At the time of hire, employee selection notes indicated the potential employee to be positive, a team player, an individual who inspired others.
Now, however, you are observing a change in demeanor: a deterioration in the relationship with a coworker.
It is a "given" that individuals are responsible for their actions and decisions.
Obviously "attitude" is included in this group.
A common approach is to confront the employee and tell them they need to improve their attitude..
to get along with coworkers..
to brighten up and smell the roses.
Telling someone to change is like trying to change the spots on a leopard..
it is not a practical solution.
Helping the employee to be comfortable in their skin: to experience success: and to accept praise/criticism at face value are several suggestions.
Beyond that, "attitude" conflict can involve more than one person's set of grievances or perceived personal slights.
Remediation goes deeper and is more subtle than finding fault.
There are circumstances where turf battles, genuine differences of opinion, conflicting values all contribute to the scarring of employee attitude.
What to do? Confrontation can be a positive action.
Facing the difficulties head on: without prejudgment or rancor: with the desire to solve the issues at hand is the recommended starting point.
• Help the parties involved identify what they have in common ( these could be work goals, values, skill sets, experiences): they may have more in common than they realize - a platform upon which to develop a discussion).
o Brainstorming is a useful technique o Prioritize each person's listing • Identify areas of disagreement - How do these relate to their values and goals • Assist in developing a corrective plan of action - Note, this is their plan: refrain from dictating -as it then becomes yours and you are responsible for the results.
Avoidance, or a kumbya -sitting around the campfire will not address the core issues.