What Are the Causes of Drooling in Lab Puppies?
- Labrador retrievers are a breed of hunting dog known for their "eggshell" mouths. When something goes wrong there, it can lead to problems. One of the first symptoms is excessive drooling. If a puppy or senior is losing teeth, it may be prone to more drooling than usual. If they have something stuck in their teeth or an oral problem, such as a broken tooth or a wound in their mouth, they will also drool. Finally, even dogs are prone to having tongue and throat troubles, from scratches or splinters to simple sore throats, that can affect their salivation.
- Carsickness can hit dogs of any breed and at any age. Carsick dogs will often drool or vomit while in a vehicle. Sometimes they will also lick the windows or anything they can get their tongues on, and crave water. When they feel pain, from a bee sting to a more serious issue, or are over-stimulated or stressed, they may also begin drooling copiously.
- Digestion issues and poison can cause excessive drooling in a Lab. Puppies do not know when to stop eating, or that something is poisonous to them. Bloat occurs when the dog overeats or drinks and then exercises, and is common in Labradors. The dog's stomach is distended, and they dry heave and drool noticeably. This is a lethal condition if not treated within a few hours. If a dog has ingested a toxic substance, such as anti-freeze, it may begin to salivate uncontrollably. If poison is suspected, get the dog to the vet immediately.
- Food allergies can cause drooling. Some dogs may be allergic to some additives in dog foods, such as wheat or corn. Changing the dog food to a brand without the allergens will solve the problem. However, other medical conditions can be more serious in nature. A Lab may drool as a symptom of epilepsy. Myopathy, a muscular disease, is common in Labs, and can affect the muscles in their jaws so they drool more. This condition will present itself as early as six weeks. Liver and kidney problems can cause excessive drooling, especially in elderly dogs.
Mouth Problems
Carsickness or Outside Causes
Digestion Problems and Poison
Medical Conditions