Why Are We Making Heroes Out of Lawyers in the Mass Media?
President Obama gave a very nice speech and introduction in nominating Elena Kagan, and he talked about law not only from a philosophical standpoint or an academic legal venue, but from a personal point of view.
He briefly discussed how law and cases had real people behind each one, something that Elena Kagan was all about.
Still, it's almost as if he was showing how lawyers and law has done so much for so many.
Personally, I think that is horse manure, and let me tell you why.
Most of the time laws and lawyers adversely affect people.
They destroy small businesses hurting jobs, they are prostituted for lawyers to get huge settlements and scrape the cream and profit of other's hard work and company profits (which could have been used to boost shareholders and investment, or re-invested for expansion).
The laws, regulations, and bureaucracy in our nation has made us uncompetitive in the Global Markets, it's decreased employment, delayed or destroyed investment, and created animosity between businesses, families, governments, and non-profits.
These laws and lawyers have harmed our health care system, education system, energy policies, military effectiveness, innovation, capital markets, and hampered our rights as citizens to pursue happiness, have freedom of speech, and our rights to free contract amongst other things.
So, I ask, no seriously, I really do ask you; "Why Are We Making Heroes Out of Lawyers in the Mass Media?" And why is it that we make the nominating of a supreme court justice such a political event.
Bragging about lawyers in this way is wrong, it gives people a false sense of hope that our court system, legislators, executive branch really have our best interests in mind.
Fact is we have too many lawyers running our government, and rather than merely deferring to Caesar on the "first thing we should do" about this, I'd like you to consider these truths and comments I've made here today.
When was the last time a lawyer ever really helped you? When was the last time our court system really helped you? The reality is that it is a play to pay system, where the lawyers have hijacked the law, and you are to pay them if you want justice, why? How is there any justice in that, for that is nothing more than a legal monopoly which has been prostituted by the legal system, which we are "Told" is the most fair in all the world.
It's a sham, and that's a shame.
He briefly discussed how law and cases had real people behind each one, something that Elena Kagan was all about.
Still, it's almost as if he was showing how lawyers and law has done so much for so many.
Personally, I think that is horse manure, and let me tell you why.
Most of the time laws and lawyers adversely affect people.
They destroy small businesses hurting jobs, they are prostituted for lawyers to get huge settlements and scrape the cream and profit of other's hard work and company profits (which could have been used to boost shareholders and investment, or re-invested for expansion).
The laws, regulations, and bureaucracy in our nation has made us uncompetitive in the Global Markets, it's decreased employment, delayed or destroyed investment, and created animosity between businesses, families, governments, and non-profits.
These laws and lawyers have harmed our health care system, education system, energy policies, military effectiveness, innovation, capital markets, and hampered our rights as citizens to pursue happiness, have freedom of speech, and our rights to free contract amongst other things.
So, I ask, no seriously, I really do ask you; "Why Are We Making Heroes Out of Lawyers in the Mass Media?" And why is it that we make the nominating of a supreme court justice such a political event.
Bragging about lawyers in this way is wrong, it gives people a false sense of hope that our court system, legislators, executive branch really have our best interests in mind.
Fact is we have too many lawyers running our government, and rather than merely deferring to Caesar on the "first thing we should do" about this, I'd like you to consider these truths and comments I've made here today.
When was the last time a lawyer ever really helped you? When was the last time our court system really helped you? The reality is that it is a play to pay system, where the lawyers have hijacked the law, and you are to pay them if you want justice, why? How is there any justice in that, for that is nothing more than a legal monopoly which has been prostituted by the legal system, which we are "Told" is the most fair in all the world.
It's a sham, and that's a shame.