Looking for Your Counterpart
In love the main thing you need to be doing is looking for your counterpart.
You need to be able to find your soul mate in life to settle down and truly be happy.
Whether this person is adjudged to be your counterpart by your friends and family is irrelevant.
It merely depends on how deep the connection you have to each other is.
Do you like the same things? Do you have the same sense of humour? Both, amongst others are crucial parts of a relationship but the most important part of whether a relationship works or not is whether you feel spiritually connected.
Finding your soul mate is an overused cliché but its resonance does have some truth behind it.
If you are able to feel something more than just a physical connection to your partner, and they make you feel as if your life has opened up new doors.
Then the chances are you have found your soul mate.
You will know as well because the way you feel about your partner will be something you have never experienced before.
You will feel more than just love and lust for them.
You will feel an uncontrollable urge to be immersed in everything they are about.
It is also confirmed by the feeling being reciprocated.
If it isn't a mutual feeling then it is very unlikely that your partner is your soul mate.
The feeling being reciprocated takes you to a whole new level of satisfaction.
You are able to feel things you never thought possible.
The euphoria you feel when you are with your partner and when you are away from your partner is something tranquil and blissful.
Life just makes sense when you are with this person.
You cannot imagine your life without them and you cannot remember a time when you were not with them.
This is what all those songs were written about.
All the soppy love songs that Lionel Richie spoke so freely about have finally been realised.
The songs have new meaning and they become the soundtrack of your life.
Realising this however does become somewhat of a risk, life has become a bit of a risk.
You now have something to lose.
That's the thing when you love something that much you finally have something that is not worth risking too much.
How you deal with this is what makes you who you are.
But if you are true soul mates you will live a long happy life together.
You need to be able to find your soul mate in life to settle down and truly be happy.
Whether this person is adjudged to be your counterpart by your friends and family is irrelevant.
It merely depends on how deep the connection you have to each other is.
Do you like the same things? Do you have the same sense of humour? Both, amongst others are crucial parts of a relationship but the most important part of whether a relationship works or not is whether you feel spiritually connected.
Finding your soul mate is an overused cliché but its resonance does have some truth behind it.
If you are able to feel something more than just a physical connection to your partner, and they make you feel as if your life has opened up new doors.
Then the chances are you have found your soul mate.
You will know as well because the way you feel about your partner will be something you have never experienced before.
You will feel more than just love and lust for them.
You will feel an uncontrollable urge to be immersed in everything they are about.
It is also confirmed by the feeling being reciprocated.
If it isn't a mutual feeling then it is very unlikely that your partner is your soul mate.
The feeling being reciprocated takes you to a whole new level of satisfaction.
You are able to feel things you never thought possible.
The euphoria you feel when you are with your partner and when you are away from your partner is something tranquil and blissful.
Life just makes sense when you are with this person.
You cannot imagine your life without them and you cannot remember a time when you were not with them.
This is what all those songs were written about.
All the soppy love songs that Lionel Richie spoke so freely about have finally been realised.
The songs have new meaning and they become the soundtrack of your life.
Realising this however does become somewhat of a risk, life has become a bit of a risk.
You now have something to lose.
That's the thing when you love something that much you finally have something that is not worth risking too much.
How you deal with this is what makes you who you are.
But if you are true soul mates you will live a long happy life together.