Is Your Dog Anxious and Aversive in Cars?
Anxiety and Sickness in cars is actually quite common, despite popular belief these behaviours are generally not caused through motion sickness or balance problems.
It is my belief that this debilitating problem is caused through anxiety and fear.
I believe that carsickness and anxiety cases are initially, caused on that first journey when the puppy is taken from the litter to your home.
We tend to get our puppies right at the start of the first fear period, which is between eight to ten and a half weeks.
This has to be one of the most traumatic times in a dog's life, when it is separated from its littermates and its birth mother.
Suddenly on it's own without the comfort of those it knows the most.
The first thing we do is put it in a car and drive often dozens if not hundreds of miles.
Therefore is it any surprise that future car journeys can induce fear and stress, sometimes resulting in the dog being sick or anxious.
just getting the dog into the car in the first place can be a real nightmare.
Case History 1 I have had a recent spate of cases where dogs are refusing to approach or get into the car, especially with large dogs that are almost impossible to manhandle.
Take the case of Glanton, a beautiful looking Irish Wolfhound, owned by Michael and Sarah More-Molyneux who live and run the stunningly beautiful Loseley House near Guildford, which is open to the public.
Built between 1562 and 1568.
This house was a favourite of Elizabeth the 1st of England, the grounds are also the Venue for the Richmond dog show, one of the largest dog shows in Europe Glanton was not exactly enamoured with cars, in fact he had steadfastly refused to even approach one since that first journey, given he was now 16 months old and enormous, he was proving to be a real handful and incredibly strong.
I first gently approached the back of Sarah's car with the tailgate already open.
I ended up being dragged some hundred yards down the road by a dog that was having none of it.
I weigh 15 stone and still struggled to hold him.
Sarah weighs probably eight and half stone, so how she coped I will never know.
After being dragged down the road I decided it was time to change tack and asked Sarah to get into the back of her car with some very special treats.
I managed to manoeuvre him to within 10 yards of the back of the car and with Sarah encouraging, ran with him on a lead to the rear of the vehicle, Glanton sailed in and was immediately rewarded with the venison treats.
We repeated this until I could let Glanton go and with Sarah's excellent encouragement he began jumping in on his own.
To reinforce this over the next few weeks I asked Sarah to only feed Glanton in the car, but not to start the engine until he appeared comfortable.
Treats were liberally spread in the back of the car, which he found each time he got in.
At the time of going to press he was happily eating in the vehicle and the car had been started and moved around the estate and he had been on short forays to the nearest village.
As a footnote he appears more nervous when Sarah drives.
Of course it was Sarah who initially picked him up from the breeder during that dreaded first fear period at eight to ten and a half weeks.
When so many phobias can arise.
I feel confident that Glanton will overcome most of his car anxiety and phobias.
He will never be totally confident in a vehicle but he is vastly improved, and at least they can now travel with Glanton and take him to places like the Vets.
Case History 2 Paddy is a very large and very heavy Male Newfoundland with the Worlds longest tongue, that could slime you at ten paces.
Paddy had been prescribed numerous medical remedies and had visited a well known behaviourist, unfortunately to no avail.
His owner Louise was at her wits end, it took four people to try and manhandle him into her car; he would then immediately jump out.
Paddy is a somewhat nervous dog, after discussing Paddy with Louise his owner it became apparent that he was frightened during his second fear period at about 12 months of age, by a large man who loomed over him.
He now barks at all strangers and especially men.
He had never ever jumped into a car since his first journey at that magical fear period at 8 weeks.
We also take our dogs to the Vet, and the first thing the Vet does is stick a needle in them for their initial vaccination.
Is it any wonder they often end up with a lifelong fear of the surgery? Try taking them a few times so that the nurses can treat and fuss them, before having that first vaccination, they should hopefully not see the visit in such a negative light after that.
Paddy really did not like the car one bit, but he did love Louise and more importantly other dogs.
I had four of my dogs with me, the one Paddy really took a shine too was Guinness, my 6 month old working Cocker.
I really should have named him Billy Whizz he is seriously fast and I may enter him for gundog competitions in the future.
After doing a number of exercises, including getting Paddy to walk to heel and stop barking at people, by using the Jingler, a technique I devised and developed that uses sound therapy.
We opened the back of the dreaded car.
Paddy looked very stressed and nervous.
But instead of putting Paddy in I put Louise and Guinness in.
Then Louise cuddled and treated Guinness with the Venison, which we had introduced to Paddy earlier.
Initially he refused to take treats but came round after gentle handling.
Paddy I could see was feeling a bit left out, so I put a little rope slip lead over his head and we set off at a trot to the back of the car with Louise encouraging him.
I was expecting that Paddy would come to a screeching halt, but instead he sailed in the back and promptly sat on both Louise and Guinness.
To be honest he did not take the Venison at that time, but he did not look overly stressed, and more importantly he did not jump back out.
In fact I had to encourage him back out.
We repeated this until I could let Paddy go and with lots of encouragement from Louise and Guinness he lumbered up to and into the car.
I think it was quite an emotional moment for all, including Louise's parents who were there to observe, as they looked after Paddy if Louise was away, and of course the car was a serious bone of contention (pun intended) for them as well.
For those who are having serious difficulty than I would suggest attempting the above however try not to force or push the dog into the car this only makes it worse.
Once you have managed to get the dog into the back of the car, you need to desensitise him.
With the engine switched off feed the dog it's meals in there, you can sit in with him during this time, after a day or so feed the dog with the engine running then run the car round the block a day or two after that If the dog is carsick, calculate how long it takes for the dog to become sick and find a place to exercise the dog that you can drive to it before he becomes physically sick.
If possible have someone in the car that can feed titbits to the dog if they will take them.
(Dogs will not eat if stressed).
But do not sympathise with the dog as this will only fuel the fear, keep him distracted by titbits, toys or play during the journey to the park or wherever you are going.
Then do all the things you normally do play ball, run, hide etc.
You don't have to stay long just long enough for the dog to enjoy itself.
On the journey home do the same things, distracting the dog from the journey itself.
If possible repeat several times a day.
Once the dog is happy and even eager to go in the car then lengthen the journey to approaching the time when the dog was normally sick, then gradually increase the journey to 35/40 minute.
if there are no signs of distress or anxiety, then you probably have the problem sorted.
Repetition is the key to these types of problems, overcoming the dog's initial stress and fear little by little, until it takes away the original concern that was causing the sickness/anxiety.
Sometimes natural ginger can help.
Dr Bach's rescue remedy may also help along with Scullcap and Valerian, always discuss any treatments whether Herbal or otherwise with your Vet.
It is my belief that this debilitating problem is caused through anxiety and fear.
I believe that carsickness and anxiety cases are initially, caused on that first journey when the puppy is taken from the litter to your home.
We tend to get our puppies right at the start of the first fear period, which is between eight to ten and a half weeks.
This has to be one of the most traumatic times in a dog's life, when it is separated from its littermates and its birth mother.
Suddenly on it's own without the comfort of those it knows the most.
The first thing we do is put it in a car and drive often dozens if not hundreds of miles.
Therefore is it any surprise that future car journeys can induce fear and stress, sometimes resulting in the dog being sick or anxious.
just getting the dog into the car in the first place can be a real nightmare.
Case History 1 I have had a recent spate of cases where dogs are refusing to approach or get into the car, especially with large dogs that are almost impossible to manhandle.
Take the case of Glanton, a beautiful looking Irish Wolfhound, owned by Michael and Sarah More-Molyneux who live and run the stunningly beautiful Loseley House near Guildford, which is open to the public.
Built between 1562 and 1568.
This house was a favourite of Elizabeth the 1st of England, the grounds are also the Venue for the Richmond dog show, one of the largest dog shows in Europe Glanton was not exactly enamoured with cars, in fact he had steadfastly refused to even approach one since that first journey, given he was now 16 months old and enormous, he was proving to be a real handful and incredibly strong.
I first gently approached the back of Sarah's car with the tailgate already open.
I ended up being dragged some hundred yards down the road by a dog that was having none of it.
I weigh 15 stone and still struggled to hold him.
Sarah weighs probably eight and half stone, so how she coped I will never know.
After being dragged down the road I decided it was time to change tack and asked Sarah to get into the back of her car with some very special treats.
I managed to manoeuvre him to within 10 yards of the back of the car and with Sarah encouraging, ran with him on a lead to the rear of the vehicle, Glanton sailed in and was immediately rewarded with the venison treats.
We repeated this until I could let Glanton go and with Sarah's excellent encouragement he began jumping in on his own.
To reinforce this over the next few weeks I asked Sarah to only feed Glanton in the car, but not to start the engine until he appeared comfortable.
Treats were liberally spread in the back of the car, which he found each time he got in.
At the time of going to press he was happily eating in the vehicle and the car had been started and moved around the estate and he had been on short forays to the nearest village.
As a footnote he appears more nervous when Sarah drives.
Of course it was Sarah who initially picked him up from the breeder during that dreaded first fear period at eight to ten and a half weeks.
When so many phobias can arise.
I feel confident that Glanton will overcome most of his car anxiety and phobias.
He will never be totally confident in a vehicle but he is vastly improved, and at least they can now travel with Glanton and take him to places like the Vets.
Case History 2 Paddy is a very large and very heavy Male Newfoundland with the Worlds longest tongue, that could slime you at ten paces.
Paddy had been prescribed numerous medical remedies and had visited a well known behaviourist, unfortunately to no avail.
His owner Louise was at her wits end, it took four people to try and manhandle him into her car; he would then immediately jump out.
Paddy is a somewhat nervous dog, after discussing Paddy with Louise his owner it became apparent that he was frightened during his second fear period at about 12 months of age, by a large man who loomed over him.
He now barks at all strangers and especially men.
He had never ever jumped into a car since his first journey at that magical fear period at 8 weeks.
We also take our dogs to the Vet, and the first thing the Vet does is stick a needle in them for their initial vaccination.
Is it any wonder they often end up with a lifelong fear of the surgery? Try taking them a few times so that the nurses can treat and fuss them, before having that first vaccination, they should hopefully not see the visit in such a negative light after that.
Paddy really did not like the car one bit, but he did love Louise and more importantly other dogs.
I had four of my dogs with me, the one Paddy really took a shine too was Guinness, my 6 month old working Cocker.
I really should have named him Billy Whizz he is seriously fast and I may enter him for gundog competitions in the future.
After doing a number of exercises, including getting Paddy to walk to heel and stop barking at people, by using the Jingler, a technique I devised and developed that uses sound therapy.
We opened the back of the dreaded car.
Paddy looked very stressed and nervous.
But instead of putting Paddy in I put Louise and Guinness in.
Then Louise cuddled and treated Guinness with the Venison, which we had introduced to Paddy earlier.
Initially he refused to take treats but came round after gentle handling.
Paddy I could see was feeling a bit left out, so I put a little rope slip lead over his head and we set off at a trot to the back of the car with Louise encouraging him.
I was expecting that Paddy would come to a screeching halt, but instead he sailed in the back and promptly sat on both Louise and Guinness.
To be honest he did not take the Venison at that time, but he did not look overly stressed, and more importantly he did not jump back out.
In fact I had to encourage him back out.
We repeated this until I could let Paddy go and with lots of encouragement from Louise and Guinness he lumbered up to and into the car.
I think it was quite an emotional moment for all, including Louise's parents who were there to observe, as they looked after Paddy if Louise was away, and of course the car was a serious bone of contention (pun intended) for them as well.
For those who are having serious difficulty than I would suggest attempting the above however try not to force or push the dog into the car this only makes it worse.
Once you have managed to get the dog into the back of the car, you need to desensitise him.
With the engine switched off feed the dog it's meals in there, you can sit in with him during this time, after a day or so feed the dog with the engine running then run the car round the block a day or two after that If the dog is carsick, calculate how long it takes for the dog to become sick and find a place to exercise the dog that you can drive to it before he becomes physically sick.
If possible have someone in the car that can feed titbits to the dog if they will take them.
(Dogs will not eat if stressed).
But do not sympathise with the dog as this will only fuel the fear, keep him distracted by titbits, toys or play during the journey to the park or wherever you are going.
Then do all the things you normally do play ball, run, hide etc.
You don't have to stay long just long enough for the dog to enjoy itself.
On the journey home do the same things, distracting the dog from the journey itself.
If possible repeat several times a day.
Once the dog is happy and even eager to go in the car then lengthen the journey to approaching the time when the dog was normally sick, then gradually increase the journey to 35/40 minute.
if there are no signs of distress or anxiety, then you probably have the problem sorted.
Repetition is the key to these types of problems, overcoming the dog's initial stress and fear little by little, until it takes away the original concern that was causing the sickness/anxiety.
Sometimes natural ginger can help.
Dr Bach's rescue remedy may also help along with Scullcap and Valerian, always discuss any treatments whether Herbal or otherwise with your Vet.