Declawing Your Cat - Cardboard Cat Scratcher
Whether you are going to the next town to get your new Ragdoll kitten or if you are having your kitten flown to you, here are some items you might want to make sure you have before you bring home your Ragdoll kitten.
o Litter Box - Might as well get a big one since your kitty will need it when s/he grows up.
#1 Cats use their claws and the lower joint for balance
Curtains might be a way to dress up your windows to you, but to your cat they are a fun thing to climb up on and shred with their claws. You want to discourage this behavior and one way to do that is to use tension rods. When your cat tries to climb up on the curtain that is attached with a tension rod, the whole thing will come tumbling down and make a clatter that will scare him. This might be a bit inconvenient for a while, but your cat will soon learn that climbing on the curtains is not fun and will avoid them altogether. You can do this temporarily until your cat gets the hint and then go back to your usual curtain rods.
In addition to physiological issues, cats can also display behavioral problems. Due to the pain associated with certain activities, such as going to the litter box, a cat may no longer carry out those activities, including the sweet ones, like using his paws to play and knead. Since a cat will no longer be able to use his claws in defense, he might start biting or acting aggressively, or simply run away when faced with a threat. Some long-term behavioral problems that have been reported include cats that have become depressed or withdrawn, aggressive biting behavior, in addition to litter box avoidance. Some owners notice that their cats' personalities change altogether.
An onychectomy is a surgical procedure; complete with the use of anesthesia, which declaws your cat. The process involves removing the third phalanx, which is the last bone of the toe, along with the claw... 10 times. Removing the bone ensures that the claw will not grow back. This would be the equivalent of having a human finger amputated at the first joint. Now remember, your cat "walks" on his toes. While your cat is recuperating from surgery, he will still have to walk, use the litter box, and go about his necessary activities, experiencing pain in the process.
1) Sphynx cats need regular bathing. Because these cats don't have hair to absorb their body's natural oils they need to be bathed or else they will get dirty and greasy. Your cat will need a bath about once a week depending on how dirty they get between bathings. Hairless cats are not hypoallergenic, but because of the regular bathing they are easier to live with than a furry cat. Your cat may or may not enjoy these baths, so you will have to work with them to find out the best way to get them clean.
o Towel - Have a towel absorbent cloth for your kitty to rest on, and in case of a potty accident, if he is in the carrier for a long time.
o Water and Food Bowls - I recommend stainless steel or ceramic ones for easy cleaning. Plastic ones have been known to cause acne in cats, so best to avoid them altogether.
o Pet Carrier - If your kitty is being shipped, then your kitten will come with one. If not, then you will want to get one to bring your kitten home in as well as use when going to the vet. Be sure carriers are large enough for when kittens get older- Medium size should be fine. If you are looking at carriers for their size, then you want to get one that is for about 20 lbs. And this is something you will have the entire life of your pet, so don't worry too much about spending a lot because you'll have it for a long time!
If your cat is chewing up things around the house try putting a distasteful substance on them. Cayenne pepper, biter apple, orange, nail polish orange peels, lemon peels and sprays specifically purchased for this purpose in the pet store can all do the trick. The next time your cat goes to chew he'll think "ick!" and won't want to chew that item again. Of course, you want to test the item first to make sure whatever you are putting on it won't get ruined.
#4 Cats can be trained very easily to use a scratching post corrugated cardboard scratching pad.
o Litter Box - Might as well get a big one since your kitty will need it when s/he grows up.
#1 Cats use their claws and the lower joint for balance
Curtains might be a way to dress up your windows to you, but to your cat they are a fun thing to climb up on and shred with their claws. You want to discourage this behavior and one way to do that is to use tension rods. When your cat tries to climb up on the curtain that is attached with a tension rod, the whole thing will come tumbling down and make a clatter that will scare him. This might be a bit inconvenient for a while, but your cat will soon learn that climbing on the curtains is not fun and will avoid them altogether. You can do this temporarily until your cat gets the hint and then go back to your usual curtain rods.
In addition to physiological issues, cats can also display behavioral problems. Due to the pain associated with certain activities, such as going to the litter box, a cat may no longer carry out those activities, including the sweet ones, like using his paws to play and knead. Since a cat will no longer be able to use his claws in defense, he might start biting or acting aggressively, or simply run away when faced with a threat. Some long-term behavioral problems that have been reported include cats that have become depressed or withdrawn, aggressive biting behavior, in addition to litter box avoidance. Some owners notice that their cats' personalities change altogether.
An onychectomy is a surgical procedure; complete with the use of anesthesia, which declaws your cat. The process involves removing the third phalanx, which is the last bone of the toe, along with the claw... 10 times. Removing the bone ensures that the claw will not grow back. This would be the equivalent of having a human finger amputated at the first joint. Now remember, your cat "walks" on his toes. While your cat is recuperating from surgery, he will still have to walk, use the litter box, and go about his necessary activities, experiencing pain in the process.
1) Sphynx cats need regular bathing. Because these cats don't have hair to absorb their body's natural oils they need to be bathed or else they will get dirty and greasy. Your cat will need a bath about once a week depending on how dirty they get between bathings. Hairless cats are not hypoallergenic, but because of the regular bathing they are easier to live with than a furry cat. Your cat may or may not enjoy these baths, so you will have to work with them to find out the best way to get them clean.
o Towel - Have a towel absorbent cloth for your kitty to rest on, and in case of a potty accident, if he is in the carrier for a long time.
o Water and Food Bowls - I recommend stainless steel or ceramic ones for easy cleaning. Plastic ones have been known to cause acne in cats, so best to avoid them altogether.
o Pet Carrier - If your kitty is being shipped, then your kitten will come with one. If not, then you will want to get one to bring your kitten home in as well as use when going to the vet. Be sure carriers are large enough for when kittens get older- Medium size should be fine. If you are looking at carriers for their size, then you want to get one that is for about 20 lbs. And this is something you will have the entire life of your pet, so don't worry too much about spending a lot because you'll have it for a long time!
If your cat is chewing up things around the house try putting a distasteful substance on them. Cayenne pepper, biter apple, orange, nail polish orange peels, lemon peels and sprays specifically purchased for this purpose in the pet store can all do the trick. The next time your cat goes to chew he'll think "ick!" and won't want to chew that item again. Of course, you want to test the item first to make sure whatever you are putting on it won't get ruined.
#4 Cats can be trained very easily to use a scratching post corrugated cardboard scratching pad.