How to Start a Baby in Modeling
- 1). Take a variety of photos of your baby. Choose at least three different "mood" settings, such as baby playing, baby sleeping and baby laughing, and take well lighted photographs of each. Take some of the photos in natural outdoor light so modeling agents can see your baby's features as clearly as possible. Choose three of the best photos and have those enlarged to an 8"x10" size.
- 2). Find a local modeling agency. Search the yellow pages of the local phone directory (or online) for "modeling agencies" or "talent agencies." Contact several of these and request an appointment, making certain you specify the appointment is to have your baby seen by an agent. If there are no agencies in the immediate area, it may be necessary to visit a modeling or talent agency in the nearest big city.
- 3). Prepare a list of all the essential information about your baby. Height, weight, clothing and shoe size, as well as sleep schedule may all be information the agent will want to know about during a modeling or talent agency appointment.
- 4). Visit the agencies with your baby for the appointments, taking the three photographs along. Allow your child to act normally during the appointment. The agent will get much of the information needed from the photographs.
- 5). If the first few modeling agency appointments do not result in the baby being hired, decide how important your baby's modeling career really is. If it is a dream that must be followed, then persistence may pay off in the future. However, if this particular career is not vital, then there are many other fun activities your baby can do.