Glucose Control Drinks
- Although water is always a wise choice for diabetics, there are glucose-control drinks available to them.Maria Gerasimenko/iStockphoto/Getty Images
Individuals with diabetes must monitor their sugar intake closely, or risk severe illness or even death. Glucose-control drinks are a viable option for diabetics when food doesn't look appealing or isn't available. These specially formulated drinks are designed to maintain a balanced, nutritious diet for the diabetic. - Boost Glucose Control drinks provide essential vitamins and nutrients for the diabetic in vanilla, chocolate and strawberry flavors. With 16 grams of carbohydrates and 16 grams of proteins, the Boost Glucose Control drink is designed to avoid the blood sugar peak that sometimes happens after eating. Seven grams of fat are provided via healthy unsaturated sources. Arginine helps the body improve insulin sensitivity and provides better blood-sugar control, and fiber helps maintain healthy bowel functions and assists good bacteria in the stomach and intestines. Vitamins C and E promote healthy bodily tissues, which can help avoid trouble with heart disease, kidney failure and blindness.
- Enterex Diabetic is available in chocolate, vanilla and strawberry flavors. It can be used as a meal replacement or supplement for diabetics. The glucose-control drink is sweetened with sucralose, which does not alter your blood sugar and has no known medical side effects. The flavored drink provides 27 grams of carbohydrates and 12 grams of protein per serving. With many vitamins and nutrients, including vitamins A, C, D, E, and K, as well as B1, B2, B3, B6, and B12, the drinks are designed to maintain healthy tissues, nerve cells and blood cells and provide energy. Calcium, iron, folic acid and chromium provide essential nutrients that promote healthy bones, teeth and gums, promote blood clotting functions, and to generate and maintain new blood cells.
- For those who prefer other flavors of glucose-control drinks, Resource Diabetishield is available in Orange Twist and Mixed Berry. The flavored drinks are sold in individual packets intended as an additive to water, making them easy to transport and keep on hand in case of emergency. Providing arginine, chromium, vitamin C and vitamin E allows the drink to help reduce sudden changes in blood sugar, increases insulin sensitivity, and promote healthy bodily tissues. However, Resource Diabetishield has a high level of nitrogen and phosphorous and should not be used by patients with kidney problems unless advised by a physician.
Boost Glucose Control
Enterex Diabetic
Resouce Diabetishield