Diet Plans for High Blood Pressure
- Eating more vegetables can help to control blood pressure. Vegetables contain lots of fiber, which can help to control weight, a leading cause of hypertension. Also, vegetables are rich in vitamins and minerals.
- Fruits also contain an abundance of fiber and vitamins needed for a healthy diet.
- Eating whole grains can help to control both weight and cholesterol, which, in turn, helps to lower blood pressure.
- Research has shown that eating fish at least twice each week can lower the risk of heart disease.
- People with high blood pressure and those who are at risk of heart disease should choose low-fat dairy products.
- Individuals with high blood pressure should also choose lean meats and other proteins.
- Salt intake should be limited to 2300 mg or less per day. Also, food items containing trans fats and added sugars should be limited or avoided. Alcohol consumption should be limited to no more than two drinks per day.
Whole Grains
Low-fat Dairy
Lean Meats
Foods to Limit or Avoid