106 - Myths Associated With Colon Cleansing
People usually approach colon cleansing with certain misconceptions. Most of these fallacies are created by the advertisements and media hype that asserts colon cleansing to have astonishing health benefits. It wouldn't be wise to deny that superior colon cleansing products do have great health benefits; however you must be well aware to distinguish between the real facts and the myths about colon cleansing. This in turn will aid in choosing the right colon cleansing product.Myth #1: The colon or the large intestine is basically a sewage canal that needs cleansing to be done periodically.The Truth: Our colon has its own internal cleansing system. Proper (fiber rich diet) and adequate exercise can keep the colon healthy and functional without the use of any artificial products. People often fall prey to the various myths associated with colon cleansing; these are nothing but product selling pitches.Prolonged colon cleansing treatments can as well lead to malnutrition and other health complications.Myth #2: The inner lining of our colon is filled with waste materials that have not been eradicated for years, thus sticking to the walls of the colon and forming hard layers of mucoid plaque that remains in our colon for too long thus causing toxins within.The Truth: Doctors and researchers reveal that no such toxin accumulation occurs inside the body as our body has been designed well to eradicate all the wastes as and when required.Myth #3: An efficient herbal colon cleanser can detoxify the body of mercury and lead - some of the heavy metals present inside the body.The Truth: The process of detoxification involves the colon, lungs, kidneys, skin and lymph system. When our body fails to eradicate the toxins through the eliminatory organs, it starts storing the toxins all over our body, including the fat cells, the liver, the muscles and the joints. Once these are all stored inside, it is very hard to detoxify the same. Proper nutrition with abundant green vegetables can aid the body in releasing the toxins from the cells, thus allowing natural elimination.Myth #4: The colon is basically a collection organ for all the waste matter of the body.The Truth: The food is digested in the small intestine. It takes approximately 6-8 hours for the food to pass through the small intestine. But the indigested food passed in to the colon usually resides in the colon for 72 hours before being eliminated from our system. Here it is further acted upon by good bacteria in our colon. Fermentation occurs after this and the process in turn produces adequate nutrients that help in regulating the vital functions such as glucose levels and cholesterol numbers. While some nutrients help in nourishing the liver, some others help in providing energy for the colon cells. Good bacteria are proliferated in that environment and results in intestinal flora, which further helps in absorbing nutrients. The colon actually does more than collecting waste matter.Myth #5: Colon cleansing helps in weight loss.The Truth: During the initial days, you might experience rapid weight loss with colon cleansing. But prolonged colon cleansing isn't recommended for weight loss or weight management. This is primarily because prolonged use of any medication or herbs can have potential side effects.