An Overview Of The Asbestos Industry
The asbestos industry has undergone drastic changes over the last several decades in as a result of the many discoveries about the harmful effect of asbestos exposure. Many of these asbestos products have been banned in the US but some are still in use. The effects of these banned products however is still being experienced years after they have been banned, and the asbestos industry today fights tooth and nail against paying claims for any past damage done by their industry.
Corporations that have invested millions of dollars in asbestos related industries are still trying to protect their investments by minimizing worker health and safety as well as minimizing pay-outs to those who have suffered permanent and life-threatening damage from asbestos exposure. Some of the ways the asbestos industry is trying to protect their profits at the expense of their employee's health includes:
- The use of political clout to support the passing of resolutions putting a cap on the amount of compensation that individuals can claim when they sue for damages caused by asbestos.
-Attempting to establish government trust funds to be used to pay out settlements to the victims of asbestos related diseases, thereby making use of taxpayer's money to pay for the problems created by the asbestos companies.
-Lobbying on Capital Hill for various tax credits and tax breaks based on settlements and payments made to victims of asbestos damage. By receiving tax breaks for losing litigation, the industry is attempting to be rewarded for its mistakes.
This industry is a powerful, wealthy block of corporations. They are constantly trying to downplay the dangers posed by asbestos containing products by displaying their safety precautions while refusing to mention the pain that millions of people previously exposed to asbestos are currently passing through. The asbestos industry must be held accountable to a much higher standard.
Corporations that have invested millions of dollars in asbestos related industries are still trying to protect their investments by minimizing worker health and safety as well as minimizing pay-outs to those who have suffered permanent and life-threatening damage from asbestos exposure. Some of the ways the asbestos industry is trying to protect their profits at the expense of their employee's health includes:
- The use of political clout to support the passing of resolutions putting a cap on the amount of compensation that individuals can claim when they sue for damages caused by asbestos.
-Attempting to establish government trust funds to be used to pay out settlements to the victims of asbestos related diseases, thereby making use of taxpayer's money to pay for the problems created by the asbestos companies.
-Lobbying on Capital Hill for various tax credits and tax breaks based on settlements and payments made to victims of asbestos damage. By receiving tax breaks for losing litigation, the industry is attempting to be rewarded for its mistakes.
This industry is a powerful, wealthy block of corporations. They are constantly trying to downplay the dangers posed by asbestos containing products by displaying their safety precautions while refusing to mention the pain that millions of people previously exposed to asbestos are currently passing through. The asbestos industry must be held accountable to a much higher standard.