Physical Symptoms of Fibromyalgia
- According to the Mayo Clinic, fibromyalgia sufferers may have particularly sensitive pressure points that occur on both sides of the body, such as top of the shoulders, inside of the knees and outside of the elbows.
- Patients do not sleep well due to pain and may suffer from restless leg syndrome, which causes the need to get up and walk around during rest periods.
- Fibromyalgia increases tiredness and lack of energy due to the inability to reach deep sleep, made worse by sleep apnea.
- According to the Cleveland Clinic, constipation alternating with diarrhea and irritable bowel syndrome can indicate fibromyalgia.
- Neurological symptoms include memory problems, dizziness, headaches and sensitivity to bright lights, smells and loud sounds.
- Symptoms of depression, such as feelings of despair, lack of enjoyment and decreased interest in sexual activity also affect fibromyalgia patients.
- Symptoms of fibromyalgia may be lessened by reducing stress, exercising regularly, getting enough sleep and taking part in enjoyable activities on a daily basis.
Pressure Points
Sleep Disturbances