When You Should Opt for Cheap Color Copy
In this day and age more and more people are relying on the Internet for their business advertising and for good reason, because it is highly effective if it is done correctly. Even though, there is still one form of advertising that is proven to be even more effective on a person to person basis and that is the use of print material for advertising purposes.
Also, with regards to a businesses local community there really is nothing better and more cost effective than print media for business advertising. For small to medium sized businesses in particular, that tend to not have the large advertising budgets that a larger business will have, print material is the best way to go, as it is highly cost effective.
However; once you have made the decision to use print media as an integral part of an advertising program then you have to decide which options to choose from with regards to the printed material you are going to use.
The fact is that €cheap is good€ as long as it is in the right place at the right time. What this means is that you can save money on cheap color copy but only when it pays to do so. You certainly wouldn't want to use cheap color copy if you were having a calendar made up that you were hoping people will buy and hang on the walls of their homes and offices.
At the same time, if you are making flyers to distribute on windshields at local malls and shopping centers you might want to consider it if you are planing on having a large volume of fliers printed up. You have to bear in mind that advertising with flyers is a numbers game, because the fact is that most of them are going to end up in the trash. However it is that 10-15% that people actually read that are going to generate your business.
Also, with regards to a businesses local community there really is nothing better and more cost effective than print media for business advertising. For small to medium sized businesses in particular, that tend to not have the large advertising budgets that a larger business will have, print material is the best way to go, as it is highly cost effective.
However; once you have made the decision to use print media as an integral part of an advertising program then you have to decide which options to choose from with regards to the printed material you are going to use.
The fact is that €cheap is good€ as long as it is in the right place at the right time. What this means is that you can save money on cheap color copy but only when it pays to do so. You certainly wouldn't want to use cheap color copy if you were having a calendar made up that you were hoping people will buy and hang on the walls of their homes and offices.
At the same time, if you are making flyers to distribute on windshields at local malls and shopping centers you might want to consider it if you are planing on having a large volume of fliers printed up. You have to bear in mind that advertising with flyers is a numbers game, because the fact is that most of them are going to end up in the trash. However it is that 10-15% that people actually read that are going to generate your business.