Sewer Cleaning
- Part of sewer cleaning involves removing clogs. Often clogs need to be removed from drains in the sinks, toilets or tubs in a residential home to repair a sewer problem. This is often true for a business, as well. You can remove these clogs by using an industrial drain cleaner, or at times by unscrewing the pipes and manually removing the stuck debris. Run hot water down your pipes after removing the clog to make sure to flush any remaining material. Sometimes the sewers of the city can also be clogged with leaves and other debris. This is especially true after a major storm and in certain areas as the seasons change. The debris must be removed from the sewers to prevent stoppage, but in those cases, usually the town will do so.
- Leaks are often caused by cracks in pipes. Again, in residential and business settings repairing the leaks by replacing or patching a pipe is all that is necessary to repair the sewer problem. However, a major crack in a sewer pipe beneath the ground can be cause for a major clean-up effort and repair, again provided by professionals.
- Sometimes general sewer repair can be done by the homeowner themselves, such as removing clogs and other elements of that nature. However, if you are unsure of what you are doing or just feel more comfortable calling in a professional, that may be a wise choice. Professionals have the proper sewer cleaning tools and equipment for any task. If the sewer is backed up and you have reason to believe it is because of a blockage in a public sewer line, you should always let the local authorities take care of this type of problem. Often special equipment is needed to unclog public sewer lines such as high-powered equipment used to remove blockages. Notify the proper local offices and have them hire or send out their professionals to take care of the problem. Never attempt to repair a public sewer line yourself.
General Sewer Repair