The Power of Wanting
The essence of wanting is the powerful force that drives our thoughts and our emotions.
This essence brings about strong emotions that elicit feelings within our being that alerts us as to the nature of our thoughts.
It is this powerful force within us that we need to tap into daily almost at every moment because this creates our reality and our life circumstances.
When we want something we begin to send high vibrational energy to that which we are thinking about and it is the energy of our thoughts filled with the emotion of our essence that brings what ever we are wanting or thinking about into our future reality.
This is the secret of creating.
When we are in this mode we create a reality that Is in tune with our inner emotions.
If your inner being feels bad then that is giving energy to those thoughts which brought about that feeling.
The same goes with good feelings.
It is a good thoughts that generate good feelings.
I have been an avid student of this for the past 2 years.
I have been searching for answers in many places.
I have asked many psychics, mediums and astrologers about what lies before me.
Each time I have been disappointed only to find our that what they told me was not anywhere near my truth or my reality.
Then I began to search and research this power of wanting.
I listened to the secret, Abraham by Esther and Jerry hicks, The science of getting rich, I went back as far as 1912 in listening to Wallace Wattles.
All of these were talking about this force, power or secret.
I listened over and over again to all of them.
I felt that there was still something missing.
Being a Yogini, and a teacher of meditation, I felt that I must have the power to find the answer.
I questioned "The Secret" if it were as easy as this wouldn't we all be where we want to be in life? It was this driving force to find the missing link that kept me going.
What was this missing piece that seemed to elude me?Then one day as I was meditating, I began to feel my body involuntarily move forward and back as if to say yes.
I began to ask questions and I realized that when the answer was no my body did not move and when it was yes, it rocked back and forth very deliberately.
It was in this meditation session that I was able to get the essence of this.
There is a very subtle key that seemed to be missing.
We were being led by all of these folks who claim to have it all money, success and power down the right path without all the tools we truly needed to be all that we want to be.
That little thing we call emotional energy coupled with the power of wanting is the real key.
What happens is that when we truly want something we send a powerful vibrational energy into our being that gives us a signal (feeling) inside that we need to use as our guide.
If we are wanting something but we do not truly believe that we can have it we get a bad feeling inside.
But when we are in total want and truly feel that we deserve that which we are thinking about we get this good feeling inside.
That is the true secret of the power of manifestation.
It does not mean that we shouldn't want something that is far reaching but simply to use our inner guidance to help us along and help us be this creator of our destiny.
We need to take baby steps to truly get the hang of this.
Some of us have taken a lifetime to create circumstances in our life that we do not like and are not happy with so it will take time and strong intention to create new circumstances.
You must truly want to be the creator of your destiny to be able to have all of what you want.
Knowing this power of wanting will be the first step in taking control of your destiny.
This essence brings about strong emotions that elicit feelings within our being that alerts us as to the nature of our thoughts.
It is this powerful force within us that we need to tap into daily almost at every moment because this creates our reality and our life circumstances.
When we want something we begin to send high vibrational energy to that which we are thinking about and it is the energy of our thoughts filled with the emotion of our essence that brings what ever we are wanting or thinking about into our future reality.
This is the secret of creating.
When we are in this mode we create a reality that Is in tune with our inner emotions.
If your inner being feels bad then that is giving energy to those thoughts which brought about that feeling.
The same goes with good feelings.
It is a good thoughts that generate good feelings.
I have been an avid student of this for the past 2 years.
I have been searching for answers in many places.
I have asked many psychics, mediums and astrologers about what lies before me.
Each time I have been disappointed only to find our that what they told me was not anywhere near my truth or my reality.
Then I began to search and research this power of wanting.
I listened to the secret, Abraham by Esther and Jerry hicks, The science of getting rich, I went back as far as 1912 in listening to Wallace Wattles.
All of these were talking about this force, power or secret.
I listened over and over again to all of them.
I felt that there was still something missing.
Being a Yogini, and a teacher of meditation, I felt that I must have the power to find the answer.
I questioned "The Secret" if it were as easy as this wouldn't we all be where we want to be in life? It was this driving force to find the missing link that kept me going.
What was this missing piece that seemed to elude me?Then one day as I was meditating, I began to feel my body involuntarily move forward and back as if to say yes.
I began to ask questions and I realized that when the answer was no my body did not move and when it was yes, it rocked back and forth very deliberately.
It was in this meditation session that I was able to get the essence of this.
There is a very subtle key that seemed to be missing.
We were being led by all of these folks who claim to have it all money, success and power down the right path without all the tools we truly needed to be all that we want to be.
That little thing we call emotional energy coupled with the power of wanting is the real key.
What happens is that when we truly want something we send a powerful vibrational energy into our being that gives us a signal (feeling) inside that we need to use as our guide.
If we are wanting something but we do not truly believe that we can have it we get a bad feeling inside.
But when we are in total want and truly feel that we deserve that which we are thinking about we get this good feeling inside.
That is the true secret of the power of manifestation.
It does not mean that we shouldn't want something that is far reaching but simply to use our inner guidance to help us along and help us be this creator of our destiny.
We need to take baby steps to truly get the hang of this.
Some of us have taken a lifetime to create circumstances in our life that we do not like and are not happy with so it will take time and strong intention to create new circumstances.
You must truly want to be the creator of your destiny to be able to have all of what you want.
Knowing this power of wanting will be the first step in taking control of your destiny.