Signs Of A Cheating Spouse - The Void
Earlier this year South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford confessed to having an affair with a woman fro another country. At this point probably more than a few people thought his wife Jenny would do the standard stand by her man routine that many political wives have to endure when their husband get caught politicking out of wedlock.
While she has not filed for divorce Jenny Sanford decided that she did not want to play that game and promptly moved out of the governor's mansion. As she told Vogue magazine, "Reconciliation is something else, and that is going to be a harder road. I have put my heart and soul into being a good mother and wife. Now I think it's up to my husband to do the soul-searching to see if he wants to stay married. The ball is in his court."
Soul searching is something that way too often happens late in the game i.e. after the affair has been discovered.
However for many spouses that carry on extramarital affairs the infidelity is in essence the soul searching. They are looking for someone to fill the void in their lives which they feel their significant other has not been able to do or for whatever reason cannot do it anymore.
That is not fair to the spouse. More communication in many instances could make sure the void never develops. Still from the perspective of a cheating spouse there is no point to looking within the marriage to find it.
What is it?
1. The Love
You may be loving them just the same as before maybe even more so but for the cheating spouse things have changed they don't get that same feeling of being loved. That is their fault but unfortunately the burden on proof falls to the significant other.
2. The Excitement
There is a certain routine to married life. Not that it is necessarily dull but there are things you come to expect from one another after living under the same roof for awhile. The cheating spouse rejects this in a way and longs to meet someone that makes them feel special and alive. As far as they are concerned the only way to do that is to meet someone outside of the marriage
3. The What
They really do not know what they want. A fling, a whole new relationship, some excitement or someone to love in a whole new way. So they keep searching going from one affair to another. They meet someone and decide they are the new "it". Then before long they get tired of that person and move on. For this type of cheating spouse the search never ends.
While she has not filed for divorce Jenny Sanford decided that she did not want to play that game and promptly moved out of the governor's mansion. As she told Vogue magazine, "Reconciliation is something else, and that is going to be a harder road. I have put my heart and soul into being a good mother and wife. Now I think it's up to my husband to do the soul-searching to see if he wants to stay married. The ball is in his court."
Soul searching is something that way too often happens late in the game i.e. after the affair has been discovered.
However for many spouses that carry on extramarital affairs the infidelity is in essence the soul searching. They are looking for someone to fill the void in their lives which they feel their significant other has not been able to do or for whatever reason cannot do it anymore.
That is not fair to the spouse. More communication in many instances could make sure the void never develops. Still from the perspective of a cheating spouse there is no point to looking within the marriage to find it.
What is it?
1. The Love
You may be loving them just the same as before maybe even more so but for the cheating spouse things have changed they don't get that same feeling of being loved. That is their fault but unfortunately the burden on proof falls to the significant other.
2. The Excitement
There is a certain routine to married life. Not that it is necessarily dull but there are things you come to expect from one another after living under the same roof for awhile. The cheating spouse rejects this in a way and longs to meet someone that makes them feel special and alive. As far as they are concerned the only way to do that is to meet someone outside of the marriage
3. The What
They really do not know what they want. A fling, a whole new relationship, some excitement or someone to love in a whole new way. So they keep searching going from one affair to another. They meet someone and decide they are the new "it". Then before long they get tired of that person and move on. For this type of cheating spouse the search never ends.