Battling With Acne? Five Simple Ways to Combat Acne
In today's world where facial beauty is regarded more than the inner beauty of character,acne can pose as a big challenge to one's confidence and acceptance.
With all the great discoveries happening in the medical world none of it can offer a complete cure to acne.
But there is five simple things that can help you in preventing and controlling acne.
1) Reduce on stressful activities.
It has been proven that there is a link between acne in adult and stress.
Hormonal imbalances, weight loss or gain,increased blood pressure,etc,all this occur when you are stress up and increase the amount of oil your skin secretes, which can clog pores and cause breakouts.
Practicing stress management will help in reducing acne from appearing on your body.
2) Go for diet that contain vitamins.
Vitamins like vitamin A,B,C,zine and Chromium are antioxidants and antibacterial.
They help in fighting acne by cleansing the skin from harmful toxins and bacteria which causes acne and helping to prevent it from forming.
Taking diet that contain this vitamins or supplement for it (since trying to consume the right amounts through dieting can be difficult) will help in combating acne.
3) Don't pick on it.
Picking on acne will worsen it.
Make sure that anything that touches the face is clean and avoid activities that causes over sweating.
4) Meet a Dermatologist.
Although there are a a lot of cream and prescription out there,it is better to meet a dermatologist for a professional advice (avoid self medication because it can have worst effect) 5) Condition your mind.
Although a lot of people don't know this,feeling good about yourself will affect your health positively.
There is no reason to feel bad because you have acne(worst till,it will not solve the problem but help in increasing emotional stress which will in turn affect your skin.
) Applying this five little techniques will surly take acne out of your skin.
With all the great discoveries happening in the medical world none of it can offer a complete cure to acne.
But there is five simple things that can help you in preventing and controlling acne.
1) Reduce on stressful activities.
It has been proven that there is a link between acne in adult and stress.
Hormonal imbalances, weight loss or gain,increased blood pressure,etc,all this occur when you are stress up and increase the amount of oil your skin secretes, which can clog pores and cause breakouts.
Practicing stress management will help in reducing acne from appearing on your body.
2) Go for diet that contain vitamins.
Vitamins like vitamin A,B,C,zine and Chromium are antioxidants and antibacterial.
They help in fighting acne by cleansing the skin from harmful toxins and bacteria which causes acne and helping to prevent it from forming.
Taking diet that contain this vitamins or supplement for it (since trying to consume the right amounts through dieting can be difficult) will help in combating acne.
3) Don't pick on it.
Picking on acne will worsen it.
Make sure that anything that touches the face is clean and avoid activities that causes over sweating.
4) Meet a Dermatologist.
Although there are a a lot of cream and prescription out there,it is better to meet a dermatologist for a professional advice (avoid self medication because it can have worst effect) 5) Condition your mind.
Although a lot of people don't know this,feeling good about yourself will affect your health positively.
There is no reason to feel bad because you have acne(worst till,it will not solve the problem but help in increasing emotional stress which will in turn affect your skin.
) Applying this five little techniques will surly take acne out of your skin.