Dentures Cost and Their Types
What a Denture Is A denture is the artificial replacement for your teeth.
When you need a tooth to be removed and replaced a denture is usually recommended.
There are different types of dentures - removable partial dentures, removable full dentures, fixed dentures - these are the most accepted categories.
Whatever the case there are cons and pros for every type of dentures, and we will talk about this in our article.
Removable and Fixed Dentures Removable dentures, as the name suggests, are the dentures that can be removed.
They can be made of metal framework or on the nylon base, with crowns of various kinds - the latter is more of a choice of the patient.
Depending on which material you use and what type of framework you use the cost of the denture will vary significantly.
Anyway, the removable dentures are easy to clean, unlike the fixed ones, where the remains of the food reside in areas that toothbrushes won't be able to reach.
Special cleaning procedures specific to the removable dentures are sometimes required.
For example, it is recommended to put them during the night into the glass of water (or special cleaning substances your dentists recommend).
In any case the main disadvantage of these types of dentures is that they are very fragile - the modern technology still hasn't found a way to fix this, as well as the fact that you might experience discomfort getting used to the way the dentures work.
Besides, if you forget to put on these removable dentures further social discomfort can arise.
Fixed dentures, on the other hand, do not have these above problems.
Their main disadvantage of theirs, though, is that they require you to spend more money, and in cases when the patient lacks significant amount of teeth, requiring the replacement of your whole row of teeth, for example, then this option becomes exponentially more expensive.
Still, the fixed dentures are fake teeth that feel like natural ones and you don't need to apply any special cleaning procedures beyond the ones you already apply to your natural teeth.
Dental implants are a good example of fixed dentures.
The fixed dentures, like dental implants, also require you to go through a very time consuming dental operation.
The dental implants are not completed even after 6 months since the beginning of the operation, which means that by that time all you have is the metallic screw in your mouth.
In case of the need of replacement of the whole row of teeth, the removable full dentures are recommended.
The cost of removable dentures are usually in the range of 1000$, but of course the price varies significantly depending on the material you go for, and the experience of the dentist whose services you are using (as well as many other reasons).
Dental implants, on the other hand, cost all the way from 3000$ and above, so you can imagine how much it would cost you to replace your whole mouth with dental implants.
Even so, nowadays more and more dentists are pushing their patients to buy the dental implants, but remember that sometimes removable dentures or other dental operation is more likely to suit you.
When you need a tooth to be removed and replaced a denture is usually recommended.
There are different types of dentures - removable partial dentures, removable full dentures, fixed dentures - these are the most accepted categories.
Whatever the case there are cons and pros for every type of dentures, and we will talk about this in our article.
Removable and Fixed Dentures Removable dentures, as the name suggests, are the dentures that can be removed.
They can be made of metal framework or on the nylon base, with crowns of various kinds - the latter is more of a choice of the patient.
Depending on which material you use and what type of framework you use the cost of the denture will vary significantly.
Anyway, the removable dentures are easy to clean, unlike the fixed ones, where the remains of the food reside in areas that toothbrushes won't be able to reach.
Special cleaning procedures specific to the removable dentures are sometimes required.
For example, it is recommended to put them during the night into the glass of water (or special cleaning substances your dentists recommend).
In any case the main disadvantage of these types of dentures is that they are very fragile - the modern technology still hasn't found a way to fix this, as well as the fact that you might experience discomfort getting used to the way the dentures work.
Besides, if you forget to put on these removable dentures further social discomfort can arise.
Fixed dentures, on the other hand, do not have these above problems.
Their main disadvantage of theirs, though, is that they require you to spend more money, and in cases when the patient lacks significant amount of teeth, requiring the replacement of your whole row of teeth, for example, then this option becomes exponentially more expensive.
Still, the fixed dentures are fake teeth that feel like natural ones and you don't need to apply any special cleaning procedures beyond the ones you already apply to your natural teeth.
Dental implants are a good example of fixed dentures.
The fixed dentures, like dental implants, also require you to go through a very time consuming dental operation.
The dental implants are not completed even after 6 months since the beginning of the operation, which means that by that time all you have is the metallic screw in your mouth.
In case of the need of replacement of the whole row of teeth, the removable full dentures are recommended.
The cost of removable dentures are usually in the range of 1000$, but of course the price varies significantly depending on the material you go for, and the experience of the dentist whose services you are using (as well as many other reasons).
Dental implants, on the other hand, cost all the way from 3000$ and above, so you can imagine how much it would cost you to replace your whole mouth with dental implants.
Even so, nowadays more and more dentists are pushing their patients to buy the dental implants, but remember that sometimes removable dentures or other dental operation is more likely to suit you.