Dogma is the Drama—Why You Need To Know the Back-Story of Christianity
What is the back-story of Christianity? The back-story is the part of the story that tells what led up to the main story or plot—the gospel of salvation. We know the basics of the gospel of salvation—it starts with an understanding of salvation by faith alone in the deity of Jesus Christ, and goes on to include His virgin birth, His miraculous life, His sublime teachings, His death, descent into Hell, and Resurrection, and His Ascension into Heaven where He lives and reigns as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. This is the basic message of salvation. But what is the back-story of the greatest story ever told? How is the Dogma the Drama?
Well, Chuck Colson has said: "Personal faith is of course vital, but it is not sufficient. ... As Dorothy Sayers noted, once we grasp what Christian doctrines teach, ‘The Dogma is the Drama.'" (Charles Colson with Anne Mores, "Doctrine Bears Repeating," Christianity Today (April 2009), 72.)
What is the Dogma being referenced? It is the back-story of Christianity; the depth of the doctrines that make up our faith! It is these deep and enduring doctrines which provide us the full drama of the story which is Christianity. The very foundation upon which the gospel of salvation rests!
Now, the story of Christianity is nothing if it is not the greatest love story of all time—the creator God making all things that He might have fellowship with the pinnacle of His creation, mankind. And not just any fellowship, but a noble and royal fellowship borne out of a free-will choice of the active participants. A free-will choice made available by God Himself through His Incarnation as the Christ. An Incarnation that brought an Indestructible Way planned in the time before time, even before the foundation of the world!
"Personal faith is of course vital," said Mr. Colson, "but it is not sufficient." Why? Because once saved one must enter the depths of the faith in order to be of real value for the true job of Christianity—building Christendom for the benefit of all mankind. That is, to be the light of the world, that city set on a hill which cannot be hid! To enter the depths of this royal faith—the dogma that has been the foundation of almost 2000 years of Christendom—one must take the time to really understand the teachings. Not just the message of salvation (of course a vital step) but the depth of the message providing the very foundation that makes the gospel of salvation even possible.
This is the continuing mission of the Paul's Primers Online Ministry, to help today's Christians reach into the foundations of our faith and deepen their walk with the Lord. For what purpose? That we might then, together, serve the Kingdom in true power. As Mr. Colson also said in the same article, "The greatest challenge for serious Christians today is not re-inventing Christianity, but rediscovering its core teachings." Let's take this to heart, and with heartfelt purpose seek to enter into a truly deep relationship with the Living God Jesus Christ by making the dogma of the Apostles and Early Church Fathers a regular part of our daily passion for the Lord.
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Well, Chuck Colson has said: "Personal faith is of course vital, but it is not sufficient. ... As Dorothy Sayers noted, once we grasp what Christian doctrines teach, ‘The Dogma is the Drama.'" (Charles Colson with Anne Mores, "Doctrine Bears Repeating," Christianity Today (April 2009), 72.)
What is the Dogma being referenced? It is the back-story of Christianity; the depth of the doctrines that make up our faith! It is these deep and enduring doctrines which provide us the full drama of the story which is Christianity. The very foundation upon which the gospel of salvation rests!
Now, the story of Christianity is nothing if it is not the greatest love story of all time—the creator God making all things that He might have fellowship with the pinnacle of His creation, mankind. And not just any fellowship, but a noble and royal fellowship borne out of a free-will choice of the active participants. A free-will choice made available by God Himself through His Incarnation as the Christ. An Incarnation that brought an Indestructible Way planned in the time before time, even before the foundation of the world!
"Personal faith is of course vital," said Mr. Colson, "but it is not sufficient." Why? Because once saved one must enter the depths of the faith in order to be of real value for the true job of Christianity—building Christendom for the benefit of all mankind. That is, to be the light of the world, that city set on a hill which cannot be hid! To enter the depths of this royal faith—the dogma that has been the foundation of almost 2000 years of Christendom—one must take the time to really understand the teachings. Not just the message of salvation (of course a vital step) but the depth of the message providing the very foundation that makes the gospel of salvation even possible.
This is the continuing mission of the Paul's Primers Online Ministry, to help today's Christians reach into the foundations of our faith and deepen their walk with the Lord. For what purpose? That we might then, together, serve the Kingdom in true power. As Mr. Colson also said in the same article, "The greatest challenge for serious Christians today is not re-inventing Christianity, but rediscovering its core teachings." Let's take this to heart, and with heartfelt purpose seek to enter into a truly deep relationship with the Living God Jesus Christ by making the dogma of the Apostles and Early Church Fathers a regular part of our daily passion for the Lord.
To learn more, you can go to: