Making Stage Props
- 1). Cut the dowel in half, lengthwise, using the scroll saw.
- 2). Attach the dowel halves to the end of the strap aluminum using silicone glue. Line up the flat sides of the dowels. Follow the glue manufacturer's instructions for use. Do not continue until the glue has fully set.
- 3). Shape the end of the strip metal to a point using the grinder. If you like, grind the edge down to a blade, but leave it at least 1/4-inch wide for safety.
- 4). Screw the door handle to the side of one half of the handle as a hand guard.
- 1). Open the front and back covers of the book wide enough that they extend fully perpendicular to the spine, leaving the pages fully exposed. Cut away the pages using the scroll or band saw.
- 2). Cut a small square strip of polystyrene of the same width as the book pages were and as long as the book is high. Glue this inside the cover of the book, on the opposite side from the spine.
- 3). Repeat with every book you want for your shelving unit or stack.
- 4). Use the lightweight books to fill a prop shelf, making it easy to move the shelf between scenes. For added security, glue the books together, spines out.
- 1). Cut an incision about 5 inches long in the baby doll's back.
- 2). Remove as much stuffing from the doll as you can. If it's difficult to get your fingers in there, use a pair of needle-nose pliers.
- 3). Insert a funnel's tip into the incision. Pour rice through the funnel. Fill the doll.
- 4). Remove the funnel. Cover the incision with duct tape.
- 5). Clothe and wrap the weighted baby doll in blankets. The added weight and moving heft will give it a realistic look when carried.
- 1). Mix dyes, cocoa and two cups of water in a saucepan on the stove. Whisk thoroughly.
- 2). Turn the stove on to medium heat. Wait for liquid to boil.
- 3). Sprinkle in cornstarch, a little at a time, while whisking vigorously.
- 4). Continue adding starch and whisking until the "blood" thickens. Add as much thickening as you like. Leave it as a thick liquid for dripping blood effects, but make it more gelatinous if you want to smear it on wounds and use with makeup.
Lightweight Bookshelf Books
Weighted Baby
Thick Stage Blood