How to Care for a Ficus Nerifolia
- 1). Place the tree near sunlight. Bonsai trees grow best in natural light, so you can leave the tree outside during the summer. During the winter, place the tree at a window where it can take in natural light for most of the day or, as a last resort, use plant lights in the absence of natural light.
- 2). Prune bonsai leaves regularly. Different bonsai trees grow at different rates and they rebud easily and frequently. Moreover, pruning to achieve a desired shape or form is entirely personal and subjective, so there are no firm rules for when or how often to prune. In general though, keep pruning to a minimum to avoid damage to the tree. If you accidentally cut a branch, you may see a white, milky discharge; simply spray some water on it to stop the "bleeding."
- 3). Water the plant every two to three days. This may vary according to numerous factors affecting the tree's growth, including atmospheric conditions, soil acidity and soil content. Misting is a popular way of watering a bonsai but some experts doubt its usefulness.
- 4). Treat the tree for any scale or other pests. Chemical treatments are available at gardening supply stores. A suggested technique is to take the tree outside on a cooler winter day (around 60 degrees), spray the treatment onto the tree, leave the plant for two hours, hose it off and bring it back inside.