What Are the Treatments for Mite Mange?
- Mites Cause Mange
Any unexplained hair loss should be examined by a vet. A skin scrape will determine if mites are the cause. - Sarcoptic mites cause scabies and most mange. They are highly contagious. Dermodex mites live in the hair follicles, but usually they do not cause problems (see Resources).
- Topical applications of flea medications containing ivermectin are usually effective. Severe cases of sarcoptic mites can be treated with ivermectin dips and injections. The Revolution and Interceptor brands are very effective.
- An outbreak of demodectic mites is usually left untreated as it usually clears up on its own. Using an amitraz dip will cure it, but there are extremely dangerous side effects associated with its use.
- Amitraz dip has a three percent chance of causing death. Use with caution.
Sarcoptic Mite Treatment
Demodectic Mite Treatment