Hotwax Hair Removal
- Purchase a hot wax that is designated for hair removal. These types of waxes are found in most stores where cosmetics are sold, or can also be found online. Note that cosmetic waxes are much different from other waxes (ie, candle wax) and harden very quickly for easy hair removal. There are various types of wax to choose, so consider which is appropriate for the area you want to wax. For example, roll on wax is probably best for the face or underarms; strips are good for larger areas, like the legs or chest on a man.
- All hair removal hot waxes vary in application and removal. However, as a rule, you should apply the wax to your skin after it has cooled slightly in order to avoid burning. It's best to either wait several minutes after the wax has melted, or to blow on the wax before applying it. When placing the wax on your skin, do so against the grain of your hair. So if you're applying wax to your legs, do so starting from the bottom of your leg working toward your thighs. This will create the best results. Wait until the wax has hardened and then pull it off in the same direction you applied it.
- After you've removed the wax from the area, remove any residue with warm water and then towel dry. Then, apply a nourishing lotion. This will provide extra moisture, which may have been depleted from the skin during the application process. It's also a good idea to exfoliate the area whenever you shower. You can purchase an exfoliator, or create your own by adding sugar to your body soap. This prevents ingrown hairs and keeps your skin smooth.
The Product
Application and Removal
After Care