Swimming Pool Problems Cured Easy Especially Green Pool Water
When a green pool happens, it can be an especially difficult and confusing time! Why Did It Go Green? Well...
Your about to find out why! The sun is hammering down, its starting to get hot and you've got Green Pool Water! The timing couldn't be worse!It's really hot and your keen to go for a swim and the pool is green! This is a common problem for thousands of people right around the world! Swimming pool algae!It rears its ugly head all the time!What a let down! So...
What does turn a pool green? What turns a nice inviting crystal clear haven of cool water into an embarrassing feral swamp?Well, green pool water is 9/10 caused by green algae.
Green algae gets into your pool a couple of different ways.
It can enter into your pool through wind and rain.
Even regular drinking water has algae in it! Green pool water happens when the microscopic algae blooms and multiplies so much that you can actually see it!Because the color of the algae is green...
it takes over and turns your pool water green.
The algae gets a chance to grow when there is a chemical imbalance in your pool water.
Combine this with rain, a couple of hot days, slack filtering times, dirty filter and lack of sanitizer in the pool and your looking for trouble.
Algae wont actually hurt anyone...
but the point is.
If algae can grow...
what else is growing too.
Bacteria usually accompanies algae, as there is no sanitizer to kill them.
Another reason why green pools are bad news is the fact that if a child accidentally fell into the pool, you wouldn't be able to see them to save them.
Some councils have brought in tough legislation against green pools.
In some states a green pool will result in a hefty fine and sometimes even jail time.
I'm not kidding...
some councils have spotter planes looking for green pools.
Having a pool is supposed to be fun.
Not depressing.
Keep the water clean and clear, and enjoy it!Don't ruin a perfectly good summers day because you cant swim in your pool.
Your about to find out why! The sun is hammering down, its starting to get hot and you've got Green Pool Water! The timing couldn't be worse!It's really hot and your keen to go for a swim and the pool is green! This is a common problem for thousands of people right around the world! Swimming pool algae!It rears its ugly head all the time!What a let down! So...
What does turn a pool green? What turns a nice inviting crystal clear haven of cool water into an embarrassing feral swamp?Well, green pool water is 9/10 caused by green algae.
Green algae gets into your pool a couple of different ways.
It can enter into your pool through wind and rain.
Even regular drinking water has algae in it! Green pool water happens when the microscopic algae blooms and multiplies so much that you can actually see it!Because the color of the algae is green...
it takes over and turns your pool water green.
The algae gets a chance to grow when there is a chemical imbalance in your pool water.
Combine this with rain, a couple of hot days, slack filtering times, dirty filter and lack of sanitizer in the pool and your looking for trouble.
Algae wont actually hurt anyone...
but the point is.
If algae can grow...
what else is growing too.
Bacteria usually accompanies algae, as there is no sanitizer to kill them.
Another reason why green pools are bad news is the fact that if a child accidentally fell into the pool, you wouldn't be able to see them to save them.
Some councils have brought in tough legislation against green pools.
In some states a green pool will result in a hefty fine and sometimes even jail time.
I'm not kidding...
some councils have spotter planes looking for green pools.
Having a pool is supposed to be fun.
Not depressing.
Keep the water clean and clear, and enjoy it!Don't ruin a perfectly good summers day because you cant swim in your pool.