How to Convert MPG to AVI
Things You'll Need
1Download and install the AVS Video Converter. The AVS Video Converter is a free download on the AVS website (see Resources). Download the file program and run the installation wizard to get the program onto your computer.
Prepare to convert your MPG file. Open AVS Video Converter and select your MPG file to convert by clicking on the "Browse" button on the right of the screen. Select the MPG file that you want to convert. You can select multiple files to convert at the same time.
Set your parameters. Click on the "To AVI" button on the top left of your screen to convert the file from MPG to AVI. To further define parameters you can either click on "Edit Profile" on the right of the screen or use the drop-down list by "Profile" to set your quality parameters for the file. The highest quality will be the standard preset.
Specify your output details. Click on the "Browse" button by the "Output File Name" field to select the location you want your new AVI file to save to. Input a new name in the "Output File Name" field for your AVI file if you want it named something different from the MPG file.
Convert the files. Click "Convert Now" on the lower left of the screen to start the file-conversion process. Click the "Advanced" button to watch the process complete via a percentage complete bar. You will get a pop-up message on your screen telling you the conversion is complete when all files have been converted. Click "OK" and you are ready to use your new AVI files.