How Much Does It Cost For a Patent?
Initial Filing Fee
The initial filing fee for a utility patient is $330. Initial filing fees for design and plant patents are $220.
Patent Search Fees
The search fee is $540 for a utility patent; $100 for a design patent; and $330 for a plant patent.
Patent Examination Fees
The examination fee is $220 for a utility patent; $140 for a design patent; and $170 for a plant patent.
Patent Maintenance Fees
The maintenance fee for patents is $980 at the 3.5-year interval; $2,480 at the 7.5-year interval; and $4,110 at the 11.5-year interval.
Other Applicable Fees
Other fees may be necessary during the prosecution of a patent and the patent's 20-year term. These may include extension of time fees, post-issuance fees, financial service (administrative) fees and trademark processing fees. Additional fees will be incurred if a patent application needs to be appealed.
Fees for Additional Claims
If a patent application contains more than 3 claims, an additional $220 is charged (per claim). The cost of more than 10 claims is $52 per claim.