Oral Papillomavirus - The Source Channel
Oral papilloma, because HPV infection is usually no obvious symptoms, the detection rate varies due to a variety of methods for the analysis of epidemiological factors of HPV infection is difficult to determine. However, HPV infection is a sexually transmitted disease and sexual behavior factors, it has been clear. The individual's health condition is good, pay attention to menstrual hygiene, hygiene before and after intercourse, the use of IUDs etc. can reduce the risk of HPV infection.
(1) sex: most studies show that women in the recent number of sexual partners, frequency of sexual intercourse, sexual partner with genital warts etc, is closely related to HPV infection. Although some studies have shown that age of What is oral hemangioma first sexual intercourse and HPV infection are related, but this factor by the number of sexual partners, adjusted the number of sexual partners, after the danger was no significant meaning.
(2) immune factors: host immunity to HPV infection and disease progress have a great effect. Studies have found that kidney transplant immunosuppression of HPV infection were 17 times the normal population. HIV infection rate of HPV infection in the population also increased. HIV infected people because sex is a bit confusing, a few more partners, young age of first sexual intercourse and other factors that increase the risk of HPV infection. However, some studies do not prove that HPV infection and immune suppression is directly related, HIV population may be due to their high risk of exposure or the body's reduced ability to resist leaving the latent virus HPV infection increased the population of HPV DNA detection higher than the normal population, suggesting that inhibition of HPV infection in the body's ability.
(3) Pregnancy: Studies have shown that increased frequency of pregnancy, delivery times, frequency of abortion does not increase the risk of HPV infection, the number of teratogenic but with HPV infection. Some studies have shown that high rate of HPV infection in pregnant women, but also increased the amount of virus Dental Artcles detection, but this may be due to increased levels of the virus during pregnancy, leaving the detection efficiency gains. An application of PCR detection of HPV research confirms this view, PCR detection of HPV virus is not dependent on the content, and found non-pregnant women during pregnancy and no significant difference in infection rate (9.6% / 10.9%).
(4) oral contraceptives: Although oral contraceptives can increase the risk of cervical cancer, HPV infection but it is still affecting much controversy. Studies have shown that oral contraceptives can indeed increase the risk of HPV infection, but some people think that oral contraceptives on the incidence of low-grade cervical lesions had no effect, but can increase the risk of high-grade lesions, so that oral contraceptives is to change the progression of the disease state, rather than a direct impact on HPV prevalence.
(1) sex: most studies show that women in the recent number of sexual partners, frequency of sexual intercourse, sexual partner with genital warts etc, is closely related to HPV infection. Although some studies have shown that age of What is oral hemangioma first sexual intercourse and HPV infection are related, but this factor by the number of sexual partners, adjusted the number of sexual partners, after the danger was no significant meaning.
(2) immune factors: host immunity to HPV infection and disease progress have a great effect. Studies have found that kidney transplant immunosuppression of HPV infection were 17 times the normal population. HIV infection rate of HPV infection in the population also increased. HIV infected people because sex is a bit confusing, a few more partners, young age of first sexual intercourse and other factors that increase the risk of HPV infection. However, some studies do not prove that HPV infection and immune suppression is directly related, HIV population may be due to their high risk of exposure or the body's reduced ability to resist leaving the latent virus HPV infection increased the population of HPV DNA detection higher than the normal population, suggesting that inhibition of HPV infection in the body's ability.
(3) Pregnancy: Studies have shown that increased frequency of pregnancy, delivery times, frequency of abortion does not increase the risk of HPV infection, the number of teratogenic but with HPV infection. Some studies have shown that high rate of HPV infection in pregnant women, but also increased the amount of virus Dental Artcles detection, but this may be due to increased levels of the virus during pregnancy, leaving the detection efficiency gains. An application of PCR detection of HPV research confirms this view, PCR detection of HPV virus is not dependent on the content, and found non-pregnant women during pregnancy and no significant difference in infection rate (9.6% / 10.9%).
(4) oral contraceptives: Although oral contraceptives can increase the risk of cervical cancer, HPV infection but it is still affecting much controversy. Studies have shown that oral contraceptives can indeed increase the risk of HPV infection, but some people think that oral contraceptives on the incidence of low-grade cervical lesions had no effect, but can increase the risk of high-grade lesions, so that oral contraceptives is to change the progression of the disease state, rather than a direct impact on HPV prevalence.