Health Care Reform - A Financial Disaster
The new health care reform bill will be a financial disaster, and Democrats in Congress don't care.
Republicans have created their own messes over the years, but the Dems are on a roll right now.
Obama warned us what he wanted to do and a lot of folks just didn't listen.
The Stimulus Bill has added $1 trillion in new debt and now this Health Care Reform bill will add somewhere between $2 and $3 trillion in additional debt.
Oh well, what's a few trillion dollars among friends? Wasn't the idea to reduce health care costs for the average American? Economists are talking about premiums being doubled (maybe even tripled)...
how does that help you and me? Three trillion dollars of new debt.
My gosh! And they aren't done spending.
Who is going to pay for this stuff? Baby Boomers will get stuck with some of the bill, but our children will wonder "what happened?" We need government for vital areas of our country, but running any type of business is not a strength of any government and never will be.
No matter what you call it, Socialism is now creeping into our economy.
Where it goes from here is a real concern.
This president has a plan on changing this country to accommodate wealth redistribution.
He's off to a great start.
Did the average voter really know what Obama had in mind? I don't think so...
unless, of course, the voter is also a Socialist.
The vast majority of voters here in the USA never wanted a new vision that would be that extreme.
It's unsettling to think where this approach to governance is headed now.
What will the United States government try to take over next? Health Care Reform is now the law of the land.
God help us.
Republicans have created their own messes over the years, but the Dems are on a roll right now.
Obama warned us what he wanted to do and a lot of folks just didn't listen.
The Stimulus Bill has added $1 trillion in new debt and now this Health Care Reform bill will add somewhere between $2 and $3 trillion in additional debt.
Oh well, what's a few trillion dollars among friends? Wasn't the idea to reduce health care costs for the average American? Economists are talking about premiums being doubled (maybe even tripled)...
how does that help you and me? Three trillion dollars of new debt.
My gosh! And they aren't done spending.
Who is going to pay for this stuff? Baby Boomers will get stuck with some of the bill, but our children will wonder "what happened?" We need government for vital areas of our country, but running any type of business is not a strength of any government and never will be.
No matter what you call it, Socialism is now creeping into our economy.
Where it goes from here is a real concern.
This president has a plan on changing this country to accommodate wealth redistribution.
He's off to a great start.
Did the average voter really know what Obama had in mind? I don't think so...
unless, of course, the voter is also a Socialist.
The vast majority of voters here in the USA never wanted a new vision that would be that extreme.
It's unsettling to think where this approach to governance is headed now.
What will the United States government try to take over next? Health Care Reform is now the law of the land.
God help us.