How to Get Rid of Japanese Honeysuckle
- 1). Cut the vines and carefully unwind them from the host plant or plants.
- 2). Pull up as much of the Japanese honeysuckle as you can by hand. Dampen the soil, grasp the root by the base and pull slowly but firmly upward. Use a hoe to help free the root.
- 3). Cut whatever wood cannot be pulled down to the ground as close as possible.
- 4). Apply glyphosate or triclopyr herbicide, such as Roundup or Garlon, to the stems and roots left in the ground. Apply herbicide directly to any leaves that remain.
- 5). Gather up all the pulled Japanese honeysuckle and dispose of it in the garbage--not a compost pile, as this may cause it to reproduce and take root there. Dispose of the berries, as Japanese honeysuckle propagates not only through its rhizome growth but also by seeds found in their berries.