Free Natural Cures for Yeast Infections
- Garlic has fantastic fungus-fighting properties that have shown great results when treating yeast infections. You can pay for tablets or capsules, but a free way of getting these benefits is by incorporating garlic in your meals. Add garlic to pasta sauces, stir fries, casseroles and salad dressings. For vaginal relief from itching, make a hole on one end of a clean garlic clove. Tie a tampon string through the hole and insert into the vaginal hole. Lie down for 20 minutes before taking it out. You should feel relief almost immediately.
- Acidophilus is bacteria that seek out and eat sugars found throughout our bodies. Generally, we have a natural balance of acidophilus in our body, but any fungi overgrowth can disrupt this delicate balance. You can find acidophilus in yogurt or capsules. By eating a lot of yogurt, you begin to restore your body's health and help cure thrush. You can also use acidophilus as a douche for vaginal yeast infections. Sprinkle a capsule in water or soak a tampon in yogurt and insert. Wait 15 minutes and wash away the remaining mixture.
- Apple cider vinegar should only be used to treat skin rashes caused by yeast infections and never internally. Add 1 cup to bath water and soak for 20 minutes. Rinse off the remaining mixture. It is important to note that you should not dry off your body with a towel when you have a yeast infection or skin rash. However, you should get dry because yeasts loves moisture. Use a hair dryer on low heat to dry off all remaining moisture. Wear cotton underwear and refrain from wearing tight clothing.
- Avoiding sugary and starchy foods is the cheapest way to treat a yeast infection. The more sugar you have in your system, the more fuel you add to the fungi's fire. Even natural sugars like fruit can prolong an infection. Refrain from eating any yeast-containing foods, such as bread, pastries and sauces. Aged or fermented foods also give a yeast infection a hospitable environment. Limit your aged cheese, alcohol, chocolate, ham, honey, pickles, vinegar and soy sauce intake. Alkaline-forming foods will keep yeast in your system. Lemons, oranges, tomatoes, pineapples and grapefruits seem acidic, but are actually the types of foods yeast thrive on. Stay on this diet until you see some improvement and slowly introduce these foods back into your meals. If you are prone to having reoccurring yeast infections, you may want to avoid these foods all together.
Apple Cider Vinegar