How to Install Kronotex
- 1). Clear all debris from the subfloor with a broom. Once all dust is removed, scrub the floor with degreaser and a scrub brush. Soak up all liquid with old towels.
- 2). Measure the length and width of the room to calculate the total number of boxes of Kronotex flooring strips you will need. Multiply the length and the width to determine the total number of square feet in the room and divide the number by the number of square feet each box contains. Round up when purchasing boxes of panels.
- 3). Lay vapor barrier over cement flooring If you do not have cement subflooring, skip this step and continue to the installation process.
- 4). Snap together floor paneling to cover the length of the room. Butt the panel ends together and click them in place to join panels together permanently. Cut ends with a fine-toothed jig saw to obtain a strip that covers the entire room length minus 1 and 1/2 inch.
- 5). Place 3/4-inch spacers along the wall to allow for movement and expansion that naturally occurs with laminate flooring. Place one 3/4-inch spacer at each end of the strip and tape the room length strip against the spacers using a hammer by tapping on a tapping block.
- 6). Cut one strip in half lengthwise to create two half-length panels. Continue to lay down panels the length of the room until you reach the opposite end and install the remaining half panel. Place the cut end on the edge closest to the wall.
- 7). Tilt Kronotex strips upward and snap them into place by locking them to the previously installed row. Tap strips in place with a hammer by tapping it on a tapping block along the edge of the panels. Place one 3/4-inch spacer at each end of the panel row.
- 8). Repeat Steps 4 through 7 until the entire floor is covered. If the final row needs to be cut in order to fit in the space, do not forget to cut an extra 3/4 inch off the width of the panels in order to leave room for a spacer.
- 9). Remove spacers once floor is completely installed.