How To Turn Women On
Many guys think that women are attracted and turned on by men who are wealthy and good looking.
In actual fact, women are attracted by many other male virtues although being rich and handsome do help as these traits give those men a slight edge on social status which is by itself an attractive masculine trait.
I said slight edge because if you look around you, there are many ordinary guys who can attract beautiful women.
So how do these ordinary looking chaps living from paycheck to paycheck make themselves so attractive to the girls? Well, some of them just have the attractive charisma instinctively while others know what to do and say when in the company of girls and these men know what turns a woman on and what turns the girls off.
Now, in order to understand what the attractive masculine traits are, we need to understand why some men simply turn women off, even though they are rich and handsome.
Women are turned off by "weak" men.
The word weak here does not mean being physically weak as in having no strength or of frail health.
The context of the word weak means men who are emotionally weak.
You see, girls are biologically programmed to be attracted to dominant males.
Confident men who have strength of character are the type of guys girls gravitate to.
That is why women are turned off by men who are shy, insecure and nervous.
So when you are nervous or shy amongst women, it will be detected easily because women do have an intuitive sense about men feeling inferior to them.
Again this is another social status issue because women want men who are equal or above her.
You can also turn a woman off if you are trying too hard to please her giving in to all her demands.
Of course it is honorable to be nice to your woman, but if you caved in to all her demands, it is a sign of inferiority to her.
She will see it as a sign of neediness and neediness is an emotional weakness.
Men who lack social intelligence are also unattractive.
Social intelligence is an understanding of the how to act and behave appropriately in various social settings.
If you score badly in this department, she will be embarrassed to be with you.
So do brush up your social skills.
Although looks are not as important as most men think, you cannot be utterly apathetic about your appearance.
You need to show women that you take pride in the way you look and be presentable in all situations.
Tell me, which woman will want to be seen with a dirty scruffy unkempt man as her boy friend? So now that you know some of the things that can turn women off, let us examine what can attract the girls and turn them on.
Simply having fun is a good start.
This is simply because most guys get nervous or insecure around women they like and so the rare chap who can allow a woman to relax and have fun is up ahead in the game seduction.
Tell me, which woman will want to be with boring guys? The best way to have fun with women is to be playful with them by flirting and teasing them.
This is the surest way to push up your sex appeal and create some sexual tension which women get turned on to.
Guys who display leadership in social situations are also very attractive.
Women by nature want their men to know what to do in social situations.
They like their men to take on the leadership role when grouped with other men.
So an easy way to attract women is to be seen as a leader by your peers.
The more people a woman sees looking up to you, the more attractive you are to her.
So if you want to attract more beautiful ladies into your life, don't do what turn them off and do all those things that turn them on.
Your dating life will never be the same again.
In actual fact, women are attracted by many other male virtues although being rich and handsome do help as these traits give those men a slight edge on social status which is by itself an attractive masculine trait.
I said slight edge because if you look around you, there are many ordinary guys who can attract beautiful women.
So how do these ordinary looking chaps living from paycheck to paycheck make themselves so attractive to the girls? Well, some of them just have the attractive charisma instinctively while others know what to do and say when in the company of girls and these men know what turns a woman on and what turns the girls off.
Now, in order to understand what the attractive masculine traits are, we need to understand why some men simply turn women off, even though they are rich and handsome.
Women are turned off by "weak" men.
The word weak here does not mean being physically weak as in having no strength or of frail health.
The context of the word weak means men who are emotionally weak.
You see, girls are biologically programmed to be attracted to dominant males.
Confident men who have strength of character are the type of guys girls gravitate to.
That is why women are turned off by men who are shy, insecure and nervous.
So when you are nervous or shy amongst women, it will be detected easily because women do have an intuitive sense about men feeling inferior to them.
Again this is another social status issue because women want men who are equal or above her.
You can also turn a woman off if you are trying too hard to please her giving in to all her demands.
Of course it is honorable to be nice to your woman, but if you caved in to all her demands, it is a sign of inferiority to her.
She will see it as a sign of neediness and neediness is an emotional weakness.
Men who lack social intelligence are also unattractive.
Social intelligence is an understanding of the how to act and behave appropriately in various social settings.
If you score badly in this department, she will be embarrassed to be with you.
So do brush up your social skills.
Although looks are not as important as most men think, you cannot be utterly apathetic about your appearance.
You need to show women that you take pride in the way you look and be presentable in all situations.
Tell me, which woman will want to be seen with a dirty scruffy unkempt man as her boy friend? So now that you know some of the things that can turn women off, let us examine what can attract the girls and turn them on.
Simply having fun is a good start.
This is simply because most guys get nervous or insecure around women they like and so the rare chap who can allow a woman to relax and have fun is up ahead in the game seduction.
Tell me, which woman will want to be with boring guys? The best way to have fun with women is to be playful with them by flirting and teasing them.
This is the surest way to push up your sex appeal and create some sexual tension which women get turned on to.
Guys who display leadership in social situations are also very attractive.
Women by nature want their men to know what to do in social situations.
They like their men to take on the leadership role when grouped with other men.
So an easy way to attract women is to be seen as a leader by your peers.
The more people a woman sees looking up to you, the more attractive you are to her.
So if you want to attract more beautiful ladies into your life, don't do what turn them off and do all those things that turn them on.
Your dating life will never be the same again.