Diminishing Dominance of Big Players
There was a time when there were 2 super powers, then the last decade of the last century gave world a sole super power, but since 2008, this position has become questionable. Dollar no longer enjoys the 1990s or 1980s prestige. Sub-prime Mortgages have raised questions regarding financial strength of the world's biggest economy. Japan no longer is the world's second largest economy, its constantly slipping and according to recent statistics, it is in recession. Europe is in urgent need of bailout packages. IMF and World Bank are trying hard to keep the economies floating.
The Arab spring has raised questions regarding consistency in economic relations with middle-eastern countries. Libya is looking for new oil trading partners; Egypt might look into its cotton exports too. U.A.E is running out of oil and trying to diversify its economy, Pakistan has had dismal agricultural output due to 2010 and 2011 floods. World is changing fast and the concept of sole super power is fading away. All countries somehow need each other to make most out of their limited resources. China is trying hard to erase the dominance of dollar in international market; Singapore is predicted to become the financial capital of the world by the year 2020 and one of the biggest signs of this is that we can see increase in job market there such as jobs in content development
New York might stop attracting investors from all over the world as their trust was shaken by bankruptcy of companies like Lehman brothers. German car production is not encouraging due to European financial crises. It is difficult to predict the new world super power, but odds are in favor of Asian economies. Australian prime minister was quick to notice it and has ordered schools to teach Hindi, Mandarin or Indonesian in schools. This century is surely the Asian century and business environment needs to be directed on these lines too.Also there has been increase in the job trend of brand management jobs in pakistan, IT jobs in India, and other Asian countries.
Hope you like this article, this is based on my personal opinion and you have all rights to vote againt it or present your opinion.
Lets see that what future holds for us and who are the winners and losers in this race of economy, though odds are favouring Asian countries but west is also determined to make an impression and win this race. Only time will tell that which side is more effective and the winning side.
The Arab spring has raised questions regarding consistency in economic relations with middle-eastern countries. Libya is looking for new oil trading partners; Egypt might look into its cotton exports too. U.A.E is running out of oil and trying to diversify its economy, Pakistan has had dismal agricultural output due to 2010 and 2011 floods. World is changing fast and the concept of sole super power is fading away. All countries somehow need each other to make most out of their limited resources. China is trying hard to erase the dominance of dollar in international market; Singapore is predicted to become the financial capital of the world by the year 2020 and one of the biggest signs of this is that we can see increase in job market there such as jobs in content development
New York might stop attracting investors from all over the world as their trust was shaken by bankruptcy of companies like Lehman brothers. German car production is not encouraging due to European financial crises. It is difficult to predict the new world super power, but odds are in favor of Asian economies. Australian prime minister was quick to notice it and has ordered schools to teach Hindi, Mandarin or Indonesian in schools. This century is surely the Asian century and business environment needs to be directed on these lines too.Also there has been increase in the job trend of brand management jobs in pakistan, IT jobs in India, and other Asian countries.
Hope you like this article, this is based on my personal opinion and you have all rights to vote againt it or present your opinion.
Lets see that what future holds for us and who are the winners and losers in this race of economy, though odds are favouring Asian countries but west is also determined to make an impression and win this race. Only time will tell that which side is more effective and the winning side.