Understanding Infidelity Better with Statistics
Since the dawn of recorded time, infidelity has always been an integral reality to many relationships.
Husbands or wives cheating on their spouses individuals engaging in promiscuous activities behind the back of their partners – these and a myriad more stories abound throughout history and most certainly occur now in current society.
In the past, getting accurate information or statistics about iinfidelity is nearly close to impossible for the simple reason that many if not most occurrence of infidelity go unreported, undiscovered or remained within the confines of the relationship.
However, the times are changing and people are now more open and willing to discuss information about their extra-marital affairs, flings, or whatever they choose to call instances of infidelity.
Aside from that, the information gathering facilities and techniques available at present can now more accurately gather, monitor and track infidelity statistics, either through online or offline means.
Compiling these statistics is not the only one that improved over the years but the platform for reporting this information – magazines, newspapers, blogs, websites, etc – are easier to access and are very much available.
With all these information and statistics available about infidelity, there remains one question that may pop up in any reader's mind – how will all these benefit me?
The following delves into the latest statistics and information available about infidelity and how it has made a tremendous impact on the lives and relationships of millions of men and women throughout the world.
Knowing such information can help one answer the questions haunting many individuals at night or even in their waking time: is their spouses or partners cheating on them and if they do – what shall he or she do about it?
Who is more Likely to Cheat – the Man or the Woman?
It is a common practice among friends to discuss or argue amongst themselves who between a man and a woman would most likely cheat on their partners.
The most common assumption that has been accepted for ages is that men are most susceptible and most likely to commit infidelity in any way defined.
While this may be true to some extent, it would be interesting and educating to know just how much men and women cheat on their marriage and relationships – and the following statistics can give light.
According to the report "Susceptibility to Infidelity in the First Year of Marriage" from the Journal Research in Personality, an estimated 30 to 60 percent of all married people in the United States will engage in an act of infidelity somewhere during the course of their union.
These figures may actually even be higher considering that almost fifty percent of marriages in the United States will most likely end in a divorce or separation.
It would be safe to assume that in these relationships that are falling apart, any one or both half of the relationship will succumb to infidelity at one point or another.
In another report from Menstuff.org there are about 22 percent of men and 14 percent of women in the United States have engaged in acts of infidelity against their spouses.
That's one in five males and one in six women in the US who have cheated on their partners or spouses. In a report from CheatingSpousesHelp.com, men have more tendencies of committing acts of infidelity at least once in their relationships.
However, the gap is not really that big as about 40% of the total number of people cheating on their spouses is women.
Playboy Magazine puts in an even bigger percentage of men and women committing infidelity according to poll they conducted.
75% of male respondents and 65% of women participating in the poll confessed that they had sexual relationship with someone else aside from their spouses – usually with their workmates.
The Primary Reasons for Infidelity
The report from Menstuff.org stated that up to 90 percent of people in the United States agree that infidelity is wrong in a relationship, and yet a good 50 to 60 percent of marriages face instances of infidelity at one point or another during the course of their marital union.
Why is this so? Why are people cheating on their spouses?
According to the Wall Street Journal, infidelity is common among younger people, particularly those under the age of 30.
Experts say that this to the many opportunities of spending time away from their spouses at this age.
On top of that, many among the younger generation of today have developed the habit of getting into as many sexual relationships as possible just before they get married – and the high cases of infidelity is an indication that this habit never left at all.
Greater and more accessible means of communication also contributed to the increase in infidelity.
The Internet changed how people communicate and interact with each other, but it also paved the way for more infidelity channels to materialize as in the case of social networks, forums and discussion groups.
What can start as long-distance or online relationships can take the next level and can become physical and eventually sexual.
Another reason why infidelity occur is that married couples sometimes do not reach the level of emotional connection that they so desire.
What they do is to seek gratification for this desire elsewhere: a workmate, a friend from the gym, or an online friend in a social network.
Such ventures usually begin just to satisfy their emotional urges, but intimacy can grow eventually – and a bit too much – that the relationship will evolve into something deeper and sexual.
When will Infidelity Most Likely to Occur?
According to CheatingSpousesHelp.com, most people engaging in acts of infidelity are aged between 25 and 39.
Not surprisingly, this is also the highest demographic range among people who file for divorce. Infidelity usually occurs during the early years of their marital union, most particularly within three years of their marriage.
However, there are cases on infidelity that occur among couples who have been living together as husband and wife for 30 years or even longer.
What this implies is that infidelity can occur whether you and your partner are still young or whether you have been living together for decades.
Situations change – economically, time spent together, or changes in people you interact with – that can affect you or your partner's susceptibility to infidelity.
Abrahms Spring, the author of "After the Affair", reported that 1 in every 2.7 couples have committed an act of infidelity at one time or another.
One-day affairs or flings only account for a small 1 percent while those lasting more than a month but less than a year account for up to 50% of occurrences while 40% are accounted to affairs lasting over two years. Up to 70% of those in such affairs usually end up with the divorce.
What do these statistics tell?
There will come a time in a relationship when people suspect their husband or wife committing acts of infidelity but could not otherwise prove it.
Knowing these infidelity statistics will simply indicate that you are not being paranoid, and that you are not alone in feeling this way.
Infidelity is universal and will not choose age, gender or social status – anybody can be a victim.
Knowing for a fact that your partner or spouse is cheating on you can only lead to two realities: to end the relationship and settle for a separation or divorce, or know the primary reason why your partner or spouse is cheating on you – and make all efforts to win them back.
The choice is up to you.
Husbands or wives cheating on their spouses individuals engaging in promiscuous activities behind the back of their partners – these and a myriad more stories abound throughout history and most certainly occur now in current society.
In the past, getting accurate information or statistics about iinfidelity is nearly close to impossible for the simple reason that many if not most occurrence of infidelity go unreported, undiscovered or remained within the confines of the relationship.
However, the times are changing and people are now more open and willing to discuss information about their extra-marital affairs, flings, or whatever they choose to call instances of infidelity.
Aside from that, the information gathering facilities and techniques available at present can now more accurately gather, monitor and track infidelity statistics, either through online or offline means.
Compiling these statistics is not the only one that improved over the years but the platform for reporting this information – magazines, newspapers, blogs, websites, etc – are easier to access and are very much available.
With all these information and statistics available about infidelity, there remains one question that may pop up in any reader's mind – how will all these benefit me?
The following delves into the latest statistics and information available about infidelity and how it has made a tremendous impact on the lives and relationships of millions of men and women throughout the world.
Knowing such information can help one answer the questions haunting many individuals at night or even in their waking time: is their spouses or partners cheating on them and if they do – what shall he or she do about it?
Who is more Likely to Cheat – the Man or the Woman?
It is a common practice among friends to discuss or argue amongst themselves who between a man and a woman would most likely cheat on their partners.
The most common assumption that has been accepted for ages is that men are most susceptible and most likely to commit infidelity in any way defined.
While this may be true to some extent, it would be interesting and educating to know just how much men and women cheat on their marriage and relationships – and the following statistics can give light.
According to the report "Susceptibility to Infidelity in the First Year of Marriage" from the Journal Research in Personality, an estimated 30 to 60 percent of all married people in the United States will engage in an act of infidelity somewhere during the course of their union.
These figures may actually even be higher considering that almost fifty percent of marriages in the United States will most likely end in a divorce or separation.
It would be safe to assume that in these relationships that are falling apart, any one or both half of the relationship will succumb to infidelity at one point or another.
In another report from Menstuff.org there are about 22 percent of men and 14 percent of women in the United States have engaged in acts of infidelity against their spouses.
That's one in five males and one in six women in the US who have cheated on their partners or spouses. In a report from CheatingSpousesHelp.com, men have more tendencies of committing acts of infidelity at least once in their relationships.
However, the gap is not really that big as about 40% of the total number of people cheating on their spouses is women.
Playboy Magazine puts in an even bigger percentage of men and women committing infidelity according to poll they conducted.
75% of male respondents and 65% of women participating in the poll confessed that they had sexual relationship with someone else aside from their spouses – usually with their workmates.
The Primary Reasons for Infidelity
The report from Menstuff.org stated that up to 90 percent of people in the United States agree that infidelity is wrong in a relationship, and yet a good 50 to 60 percent of marriages face instances of infidelity at one point or another during the course of their marital union.
Why is this so? Why are people cheating on their spouses?
According to the Wall Street Journal, infidelity is common among younger people, particularly those under the age of 30.
Experts say that this to the many opportunities of spending time away from their spouses at this age.
On top of that, many among the younger generation of today have developed the habit of getting into as many sexual relationships as possible just before they get married – and the high cases of infidelity is an indication that this habit never left at all.
Greater and more accessible means of communication also contributed to the increase in infidelity.
The Internet changed how people communicate and interact with each other, but it also paved the way for more infidelity channels to materialize as in the case of social networks, forums and discussion groups.
What can start as long-distance or online relationships can take the next level and can become physical and eventually sexual.
Another reason why infidelity occur is that married couples sometimes do not reach the level of emotional connection that they so desire.
What they do is to seek gratification for this desire elsewhere: a workmate, a friend from the gym, or an online friend in a social network.
Such ventures usually begin just to satisfy their emotional urges, but intimacy can grow eventually – and a bit too much – that the relationship will evolve into something deeper and sexual.
When will Infidelity Most Likely to Occur?
According to CheatingSpousesHelp.com, most people engaging in acts of infidelity are aged between 25 and 39.
Not surprisingly, this is also the highest demographic range among people who file for divorce. Infidelity usually occurs during the early years of their marital union, most particularly within three years of their marriage.
However, there are cases on infidelity that occur among couples who have been living together as husband and wife for 30 years or even longer.
What this implies is that infidelity can occur whether you and your partner are still young or whether you have been living together for decades.
Situations change – economically, time spent together, or changes in people you interact with – that can affect you or your partner's susceptibility to infidelity.
Abrahms Spring, the author of "After the Affair", reported that 1 in every 2.7 couples have committed an act of infidelity at one time or another.
One-day affairs or flings only account for a small 1 percent while those lasting more than a month but less than a year account for up to 50% of occurrences while 40% are accounted to affairs lasting over two years. Up to 70% of those in such affairs usually end up with the divorce.
What do these statistics tell?
There will come a time in a relationship when people suspect their husband or wife committing acts of infidelity but could not otherwise prove it.
Knowing these infidelity statistics will simply indicate that you are not being paranoid, and that you are not alone in feeling this way.
Infidelity is universal and will not choose age, gender or social status – anybody can be a victim.
Knowing for a fact that your partner or spouse is cheating on you can only lead to two realities: to end the relationship and settle for a separation or divorce, or know the primary reason why your partner or spouse is cheating on you – and make all efforts to win them back.
The choice is up to you.