How to Catch Pokemon Easily in "Pokemon HeartGold"
- 1). Choose the correct Poke Ball for the task. Visit a PokeMart, located in all major Pokemon towns and cities, and purchase standard Poke Balls or more reliable Great Balls and Ultra Balls. You can also acquire several additional types of Poke Balls by visiting Kurt in Azalea Town. If you bring Kurt specific types of apricorns, he will create Poke Balls that specialize in capturing different types of Pokemon. For example, if you bring him a black apricorn, he will make a Heavy Ball, which excels in capturing heavyweight creatures. His other creations include Lure Balls, for capturing Water-type Pokemon, and Fast Balls, for capturing speedy monsters.
- 2). Locate the species of Pokemon you want to capture. Use the PokeDex item to reveal the locations of wild Pokemon. After you confirm the location, travel to the destination and explore until you encounter the Pokemon. Some species are rarer than others.
- 3). Hit the target until its health bar flashes red, but avoid knocking it out. The move False Swipe is very helpful in these situations; this Normal-type attack leaves the target with at least one health point. TM54 is the item that will teach your Pokemon False Swipe; although some species, including Farfetch'd, Cubone and Scyther, will learn this attack automatically as you train them.
- 4). Inflict paralysis on the target. Numerous attacks, such as Thunder Wave, Lick, Stun Spore and Zap Cannon, can leave the victim paralyzed. Alternatively, put the target to sleep with moves such as Hypnosis, Sleep Powder or Sing.
- 5). Throw the chosen Poke Ball to capture the weakened Pokemon.