How To Use PLR WordPress Themes
Private Label Right WordPress themes is an amazing opportunity for you to benefit in many ways.
By using the various PLR themes available throughout the internet, users can gain many new income streams in addition to having some high quality material to give their customers.
By becoming a collector of private label right themes, you have many options and I intend to address some of them in this article.
Backlink building is something highly sought out for gaining a higher ranking in Google.
By having private label rights to WordPress themes, you have an unlimited source of free links to work with.
By changing a themes name, author and author URI, you create a "unique" theme in the eyes of many directories.
Add on a finishing touch of adding your site URL with anchor text using the keyword your trying to rank for, you can easily add your new theme to many top level directories (including WordPress.
org) to be freely downloaded by users.
One of the best things about having themes with PLR, is that you can easily build a membership site with them.
With the high demand of private label right WordPress themes, you can build a respectable size membership base of buyers just itching to pay you money for high quality themes that they can rebrand themselves.
There are many plugins available on the internet to build a membership site with.
The most common free plugin would be the S2 members plugin, while a quality premium plugin would be magic members.
In addition to both of the previously mentioned methods, another good one is by using them as bonuses.
When you have PLR WordPress themes, you can easily incorporate method one of rebranding each theme with your own links while using this method of distributing them.
By having access to these type of themes, you can take them and distribute them as bonuses to your existing product base, to affiliate offers and even any new products you decide to come out with.
As you can see there is more than meets the eye when dealing with WordPress themes, especially those with private label rights attached to them.
Hopefully, I have addressed some of your concerns in this article and given you some new ideas to use these resources in your own business model.
Good luck in your ventures and please come back to get even more WordPress related information.
By using the various PLR themes available throughout the internet, users can gain many new income streams in addition to having some high quality material to give their customers.
By becoming a collector of private label right themes, you have many options and I intend to address some of them in this article.
Backlink building is something highly sought out for gaining a higher ranking in Google.
By having private label rights to WordPress themes, you have an unlimited source of free links to work with.
By changing a themes name, author and author URI, you create a "unique" theme in the eyes of many directories.
Add on a finishing touch of adding your site URL with anchor text using the keyword your trying to rank for, you can easily add your new theme to many top level directories (including WordPress.
org) to be freely downloaded by users.
One of the best things about having themes with PLR, is that you can easily build a membership site with them.
With the high demand of private label right WordPress themes, you can build a respectable size membership base of buyers just itching to pay you money for high quality themes that they can rebrand themselves.
There are many plugins available on the internet to build a membership site with.
The most common free plugin would be the S2 members plugin, while a quality premium plugin would be magic members.
In addition to both of the previously mentioned methods, another good one is by using them as bonuses.
When you have PLR WordPress themes, you can easily incorporate method one of rebranding each theme with your own links while using this method of distributing them.
By having access to these type of themes, you can take them and distribute them as bonuses to your existing product base, to affiliate offers and even any new products you decide to come out with.
As you can see there is more than meets the eye when dealing with WordPress themes, especially those with private label rights attached to them.
Hopefully, I have addressed some of your concerns in this article and given you some new ideas to use these resources in your own business model.
Good luck in your ventures and please come back to get even more WordPress related information.