Dog Training In Your Home - Instilling These 3 Behaviors Will Make You The Envy Of People Around You
Wouldn't it be great to have your dog be familiar with the surroundings in YOUR home? Don't you want to be the one to make that first time connection with your dog? Dog training in your home can prove to be extremely rewarding, as you'll have the chance to say you trained your dog yourself.
Be sure to instill these 3 behaviors into your dog.
Behavior Number One To Instill Into Your Dog - Use A Crate For Him Get your dog a crate that is made of wire so that your dog won't chew through it.
Also make sure that the bottom is smooth.
You want the crate to be as comfortably tight as possible.
Give your dog just enough room to turn around and stand up and lay down.
If you give him too much room he may poop or pee in the corner.
Since dogs don't like to soil their sleeping area using the right size will keep him from doing so.
Behavior Number Two To Instill Into Your Dog - Make Your Dog Learn The "Sit" Command Take a treat in your hand.
Move your hand to your dog's nose and then to the back of his head.
This motion of your hand will make him lower his butt towards the ground.
As he is doing so say "Sit" in a firm voice.
Then reward him with the treat and stroke him a lot and give him lots of praise.
Behavior Number Three To Instill Into Your Dog - No Jumping On People Personally, I think it's cute to see a dog jump up on people for a little attention or a scratch on the head.
As much as that may be, I don't allow it because it is a bad behavior that can lead to a negative situation.
Say for instance you've been allowing your dog to jump up as a pup.
What happens when one day he tries to jump up on a small child or a disabled person? It's possible to do serious harm to one of these types of individuals, which could possibly lead to a lawsuit against you.
How are you going to prevent this from happening? Read on.
If your dog jumps up on you take his front legs and put them back on the ground.
As soon as you do this tell him to "Sit" in a firm voice.
When he obeys you, give him lots of verbal praise and rub him in his favorite spot(s).
If you have other people coming over or other people in your household let them know to not tell him to jump up.
Remember to teach your dog to use a crate.
Make your dog learn the sit command.
Then be sure to teach your dog how to refrain from jumping up on people.
Dog training in your home will be a great joy by instilling these 3 behaviors into your dog.
You'll be proud to call yourself a dog owner and your dog will respect you and be obedient.
Dog training in your home pays off when people say, "I sure wish my dog was well behaved like that.
Be sure to instill these 3 behaviors into your dog.
Behavior Number One To Instill Into Your Dog - Use A Crate For Him Get your dog a crate that is made of wire so that your dog won't chew through it.
Also make sure that the bottom is smooth.
You want the crate to be as comfortably tight as possible.
Give your dog just enough room to turn around and stand up and lay down.
If you give him too much room he may poop or pee in the corner.
Since dogs don't like to soil their sleeping area using the right size will keep him from doing so.
Behavior Number Two To Instill Into Your Dog - Make Your Dog Learn The "Sit" Command Take a treat in your hand.
Move your hand to your dog's nose and then to the back of his head.
This motion of your hand will make him lower his butt towards the ground.
As he is doing so say "Sit" in a firm voice.
Then reward him with the treat and stroke him a lot and give him lots of praise.
Behavior Number Three To Instill Into Your Dog - No Jumping On People Personally, I think it's cute to see a dog jump up on people for a little attention or a scratch on the head.
As much as that may be, I don't allow it because it is a bad behavior that can lead to a negative situation.
Say for instance you've been allowing your dog to jump up as a pup.
What happens when one day he tries to jump up on a small child or a disabled person? It's possible to do serious harm to one of these types of individuals, which could possibly lead to a lawsuit against you.
How are you going to prevent this from happening? Read on.
If your dog jumps up on you take his front legs and put them back on the ground.
As soon as you do this tell him to "Sit" in a firm voice.
When he obeys you, give him lots of verbal praise and rub him in his favorite spot(s).
If you have other people coming over or other people in your household let them know to not tell him to jump up.
Remember to teach your dog to use a crate.
Make your dog learn the sit command.
Then be sure to teach your dog how to refrain from jumping up on people.
Dog training in your home will be a great joy by instilling these 3 behaviors into your dog.
You'll be proud to call yourself a dog owner and your dog will respect you and be obedient.
Dog training in your home pays off when people say, "I sure wish my dog was well behaved like that.