Lime Stabilization of Soils
- Lime is basically a calcium or calcium and magnesium compound. There are three primary types of lime available for soil amendment: ground limestone (calcium carbonate), burnt lime (quick lime) and hydrated lime. Ground limestone is the most commonly used and inexpensive product.
- Lime is a soil conditioner, rather than a fertilizer. This means that it does not add any nutrients to the soil; rather, it corrects soil conditions that may be detrimental to plant growth. Lime is most commonly used to increase soil pH levels, although it also increases calcium and magnesium, reduces toxicity of some nutrients and increases beneficial bacterial activity.
- Always test soil pH and nutrient levels before applying lime. Over-application will increase pH levels too much, which may result in plant damage. Familiarize yourself with the specific soil needs of the plants in your garden. Some plants, such as blueberries and azaleas, require very acidic soil conditions.